Friday, February 14, 2020

Respond to each question with 100 words or more Assignment

Respond to each question with 100 words or more - Assignment Example The same also applies to someone who joins groups to cause havoc or disunity in a society. Therefore, a person has a right to intervene if somebody does immoral things along these lines and many other instances. Ethics is like nutrition. General nutritional information forms part of people’s everyday stock of knowledge. For example, people do not have to consult a physician to discover that the ice cream cone is not as healthful as fresh garden salad. They already know that ice cream is less nutritious. Similarly, they know that it is morally wrong to torture a baby. Still, both fields have specialists that dedicate their entire life attempting to provide and refine a solid base for the daily beliefs that people already know. Sometimes, nutritionists come across surprising things like the benefits of fish oil. Sometimes they discover harmful nutritional practices. At other times, they just confirm what people already know, although they do this in a manner that lends more solid foundation to the beliefs. A similar pattern exists in the relationship between what professional ethicists do and people’s daily moral convictions (Hinman 1). Ethical professionals would sometimes disc over an ethical belief that seems to be dangerous. They may also discover a moral practice that is beneficial to people. At other times, they report a belief that people already know in their everyday lives and build more foundation for the belief. An ethical egoist is a person that always wants to act in his/her self-interest. The person follows ethical egoism theory, a consequentialist theory that purports to tell people to live according to their self-interest. The ethical egoist believes that the rightness or wrongness of their acts relies on their consequences. They hold on to the belief that right actions encourage self-interest while wrong acts detract from self-interests. I would not be friends with ethical egoists. Ethical egoism does not promote good morals,

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Compare and contrast any two theories of social disorder in Essay

Compare and contrast any two theories of social disorder in contemporary UK society - Essay Example ve been advanced by social scientists such as Buchanan and Monderman to explain social order and they include; the modernist approach and flexible approach (Taylor et al. 2009). Social disorder is the direct opposite of social order. In other words, it is, as noted earlier, a situation such as an act or a process that the society considers disruptive of its normal way of life. Social disorder is usually in contravention of the normal beliefs in a society and it usually attracts attention and calls of actions to counter it. Taylor et al. (2009) gives an example of the Dangerous Dog Act of 1991 that was passed by the United Kingdom’s parliament in reaction to several incidents of severe injuries inflicted by aggressive dogs mostly on children. The social order, which is the normal way life in the United Kingdom is that dogs live with people in that society in a friendly way without biting. But when the same dogs turn against their masters, then the normal way of life is disrupted and this is the social disorder. This prompts the government to act by passing a law that aims at preventing such future acts that amount to social disorder. From the above example, social disorder is an undesirable situation. This is a direct opposite of social order. For these reasons, the latter is acceptable by the society as compared to the former. Contemporary United Kingdom considers various behaviours as disorderly and they include drunkenness, violence, littering, sale and use of illegal drugs, use of threatening behaviour, crimes, shouting in public, hooting in a quiet residential area at night, just to mention but a few. These disorderly behaviours are indicative of social disorder and a clear indication that social disorder is not necessarily what other people do not entertain. To explain social disorder, various social scientists have come up with various theories such as moral panic, policing the crisis and media effects research approaches. The foregoing discussion