Thursday, October 31, 2019

Orders and Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Orders and Power - Essay Example Modernism was majorly shaped by the rapid growth of human settlements in form of cities resulting from the development of societies in a modern industrial aspect. The horrors associated with the World War I were also key factors in the shaping of modernism. Modernism was a freedom as the artists sought to express their beliefs of what the society should really relate and work. The movements had salient characteristics of self-consciousness. This led to experiments that approaches and forms used to draw attention to the materials used in producing the piece of work. They also incited the focus on attention of the processes that resulted in the various art works. The movements were not rebellious in nature, as they did not seek to completely abandon the societal traditions and replace them with new ones. The artists sought to incite the societies to make changes to the obsolete culture of the past through paradigmatic like the injunction â€Å"Make it new!† Avant-garde The freed om of the modernism period was expressed through the artists adopting an avant-garde meaning in the artistic works. This approach saw the pushing of the accepted status quo and norms beyond the accepted boundaries using cultural realms as the primary drivers (Weiten 2011: 143). This notion was the hallmark of modernism with many artists aligning themselves with the notion that traced a history from the pre-modernism era of Dada through the modernism period to the era of postmodern artists like language poets in the late 20th century. The primary concept that constitutes the avant-garde is having writers, composers, and generally artists whose pieces of art oppose the cultural values of the mainstream society often with a trenchant edge of social or political form. One such artist is Georges Seurat, a Frenchman born in Paris on December 2, 1859 (Gardner and Kleiner 2013: 812). A Sunday afternoon on the island of la Grande Jatte Seurat was a shy reclusive member of an avant-garde beli eving group who died a sudden death from meningitis at the age of 31 after making major impacts on the modernism movements through production of various great artistic works. His inspiration came from the desire to negate from Impressionism’s preoccupation of the fleeting moment with the rendering of the essentials and unchanging parts of life instead. Impressionism is an art movement with Paris as the origin. The art have characteristics of relatively small and thin brush strokes that are visible (Gardner and Kleiner 2013: 812). The art emphasizes on depictions of light that are accurate in its changing qualities and are usually based on open compositions of ordinary subject matters. The arts included movement as crucial in the elements of the perceptions and experiences of the human being in unusual angles. However, many of his approaches borrowed from the ideas of impressionists. This included a love for matters of the modern subject and urban leisure scenes and attempts t o capture all colors interacting to produce the appearance of an object instead of just depicting the apparent color of the object being depicted (Hagen and Hagen 2003:456). His fascination was in a range of scientific ideas

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

A Black Cloud Essay Example for Free

A Black Cloud Essay The heart is an organ of fire, filled with intense love and intense hatred. Yet it is the hatred which entwines the lives of people causing them to display acts of violence and cruelty. Hatred is displayed through forms which include: prejudices towards large groups of people, crimes of hatred being committed, and indirect hatred which involves hurting others as an act of rebellion against someone or something. Throughout history, the world has been afflicted by the prejudices of powerful leaders who in turn took their animosity out on large masses of people. Adolf Hitler, the leader of Germany during World War II, is a prime example of this. He took his hatred out on the Jews, forcing them into concentration camps. Another group that is a target of hatred are the blacks. The Ku Klux Klan, otherwise known as the KKK, possess intense hatred for the black race. Their hatred is demonstrated by marching in white cloaks in protest and also by burning the churches and neighborhoods of blacks. Just as Hitler and the KKK express hatred, the Skinheads are yet another group which have strong prejudices. See more: Basic Economic problem of Scarcity Essay These so called Skinheads abominate most races other than their own. White hooded silhouettes, German Soldiers echoing Hail Hitler! , and the infamous Skinheads are harsh reminders of hatred which exists throughout the world. In the same way that prejudices of large groups of people are expressed, hate crimes are committed to demonstrate acts of hatred. Most recent are the burning of black churches across the South. A crime of this sort shows hatred against the black race. Sometimes leading to manslaughter, racial tensions are abundant. Furthermore, the burning of crosses or flags are offensive crimes that are committed to show a persons hatred for religion or the government. Spousal abuse, child abuse, homicide, and wars between races can only be acts of one thing: hatred. Newspapers are filled with page after page of stories revealing the immense amount of hatred that our society possesses. Although crimes are committed to show hatred directly, there are other crimes which can also show hatred but in ways that are indirect. Think back to the Oklahoma City Bombing; it is a perfect example of indirect hatred. This is true because the motive of the bombers was to attempt to take revenge on the government, but instead the bombers took the lives of innocent people who were in the building. Moreover, the Empire State Building gunmans plan was to take revenge on his bitter enemies, who he blamed for making Palestinians homeless , according to a handwritten note he carried. Instead, one tourist was killed and five others were hospitalized in this attempt. Innocent bystanders, who are at the wrong place at the wrong time, are the ones who suffer most from acts of indirect hatred. A black cloud stifles society, suffocating the lives of people, causing pain and suffering. The eyes of mankind are blinded: unable to see passed prejudices. Generations carry the preconceptions of the ones before. Society needs to see the light and learn to accept.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Transmission of Wireless Message based on Embedded System

Transmission of Wireless Message based on Embedded System Transmission of Wireless Message based on Embedded System with Robotic Arm INTRODUCTION: 2.1) This career episode describes the project Transmission of Wireless Message based on Embedded System with Robotic Arm. I started off this project under the guidance of my assistant professor and with a team of two engineers including myself, during the last three months (October 2012-December 2012) of 7th semester while pursuing Bachelors of Engineering (Electronics and Communication) from Gujarat Technological University, India. The assigned duration for the project was three months and with the help of my professor, we were able to complete each task of the project on time. This project was implemented as a part of my academic curriculum Wireless Communication. For this project, I was working as an Electronic Engineer. BACKGROUND: 2.2) In this universe of learning and understanding all the things that are nearby, is controlled through machines, having the ability to compute. This specialized excellence and integration in various departments can prompt an exceptional alteration in everyones lives particularly interchanges department. Because of different alterations in innovations, numerous frameworks are made with stunning advancements. The most innovative one is the Embedded Systems. Embedded system is the advancement or further improvement of computer science framework. Its application give colossal chances to innovative utilization of PC innovation. Verging on each new framework presented in the business sector is a case of Embedded System. 2.3) The framework which we have created is a utilization of an Embedded System. At first, we began off with the manner of thinking of building up a wireless message roundabout model which could help both establishments and in addition enterprises. A further research into the framework prompted the possibility that equivalent framework can act like a concentrated framework for ambitions, for example, managing, observing plus correspondence keeping aside human intercession. 2.4) Project Objective To describe in few sentences, my projects main deliverable was to send the data from one place to another place through transmitter and receiver using RF technology. The microcontroller works as brain of the unit. Microcontroller controls the functions of the LCD, conveyor belt motors, and vertical/horizontal motor track motor in order to perform desired action/task using robotic arm (mechanical hand). 2.5) My roles and responsibilities included: Selection of electric components Simulation of Motors, LED and LCD using Proteus Programming of ATMEGA16 microcontroller using BASCOM software. Assist in constructing mechanical hand and conveyor belt Schedule weekly meetings to discuss goals and achievements Assist in maintaining documentation. 2.6) Project mechanism PERSONAL ENGINEERING ACTIVITY 2.7) Training We decided to go for training first since it really helped us to move forward without a hurdle in my work. It is required for the beginners to undergo a training session in order to acquire knowledge and develop skills at an industry level. This also helped me to understand the difference of work culture between industry and college level.ÂÂ   In the practice session under the guidance of my professor, initially we discussed the design process of the project and different components to be used on the transmitter and receiver side such as microcontroller, USB to UART convertor, encoder, and sensors. I also learnt the software Proteus and BASCOM for the simulation of motors, LED, LCD and programming the microcontroller. Furthermore, safety training sessions were also given to build mechanical hand and designing circuit in the safest way possible. Before the implementation of any task, we were given proper safety measures. 2.8) Software Before starting the hardware implementation, I decided to learn the software Proteus. Proteus is an open source software used for simulation of electric circuit and has the ability co- simulate and interact with software running in the microcontroller. I learnt this software by referring tutorial videos and simulating sample electric circuits. In this project, I used Proteus for the simulation of motors, UART, LED and LCD. Furthermore, I also used the software named BASCOM. BASCOM AVR is an intense and simple to-use compiler for the AVR arrangement of smaller scale controllers created by Atmel. It took me hardly any time to master this software since it was very easy. The system accompanies an extremely easy to use interface and an arrangement of straightforward summons, and gives more adaptability than different projects in this classification. Anyone with some fundamental learning of C or C++ can compose a fruitful system utilizing BASCOM, as the majority of its capacities and its announcement structure is like those in C. 2.9) Hardware implementation After training, I started my research to select the most appropriate components for hardware implementation refereeing and comparing datasheets of each component. Keeping in mind the guidelines of designing a circuit, on the transmitter side included computer, usb to serial converter, microcontroller, encoder and transmitting module. Whereas on the receiver side, I used receiving module, microcontroller, LCD display, IR and metal sensors. For the conveyor belt, we used two DC motors to pass an object on the belt. In this project, we also introduced a robotic arm (mechanical hand) as an application which can reduce the human efforts and controlling can be done effectively. There were some difficulties which we faced while constructing the mechanical hand i.e. we built the arm using two DC motors but while using it, we realized that it delivers low torque. Therefore, we discussed this issue with our professor and we came up the solution to build the arm using a combination of BO and DC motor. We designed this mechanical hand at very low cost which is very efficient and can be used in many production industries for packaging or assembling goods which mitigates physical labor, consumes less time and reduces risks as well.ÂÂ   The mechanical hand in this project was used to pick an object from the conveyor belt and put it to a required place as per the application. ÂÂ   Conveyor BeltRobotic Arm ÂÂ   Transmitter SectionReceiver Section 2.10) Pseudo flow of the system: Input is provided via Computer which is converted in to serial using UART. The serial data is sent to the microcontroller which is then encoded using encoder and transmitted via RF through transmitting antenna. Receiving module receives the message and passes it to the microcontroller. Microcontroller starts processing the program implemented on it. This leads the motor drive to provide high signal current to the motors which drives the conveyor belt and mechanical hand motors. If there is a metal/object detected on the receiver side of the conveyer belt using metal/IR sensor. The conveyor belt stops and the robotic arm performs its action depending upon the programming implemented on the microcontroller i.e. picks up the object and puts it at a required place as per the coding implemented in the ATMEGA16 microcontroller. SUMMARY: 2.11) This project was to give the ways for providing bigger effective mechanical hand for industrial applications. The achievement of this hand is to demonstrate that reliable grasping can be achieved with inexpensive mechanism and IR sensors. This hand can grasp variety of objects with different surface properties and sizes, having no need to rebuild a surface description of the object. Overall, the journey of the project was very productive, learnt new skills and enhanced acquired skills. We submitted our project with final documentation and a presentation with the prototype to our head of department and tutor. Although we faced many difficulties during this project but we never gave up. The toughest part was to build the mechanical hand and time constraint but working with a team made this project successful.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Symbolism in Desirees Baby by Kate Chopin Essay -- Desirees Baby Kat

Symbolism in Desiree's Baby by Kate Chopin "Desiree's Baby" is Kate Chopin's most well-known short story and most anthologized piece of work. The story takes place in southern Louisiana and her writing reflects her Creole-French descent. Chopin begins the story with a descriptive quote, "when she reached L'Abri she shuddered at the first sight of it, as she always did. It was a sad looking place...Big solemn oaks grew close to it and their thick leaved, far-reaching branches shadowed it like a pall" (185). The preceding quote gives the reader an eerie feeling and foreshadows an unpleasant ending to the story. Throughout "Desiree's Baby," Kate Chopin uses symbolism to convey her themes of racial prejudice, unequal gender roles, and social hierarchy in a patriarchal society. During Chopin's lifetime, African Americans were considered inferior to whites and often worked as slaves for the wealthy, white families in the south. Early in the story the narrator describes the scenery of the plantation, L'Abri, and says, "young Aubigny's rule was a strict one, too, and under it his negroes had forgotten how to be gay, as they had been during the old master's easy-going and indulgent lifetime" (185). This shows Aubigny's egotism and apathy toward his slaves. His treatment of the slaves as possessions rather than human beings reveals that Aubigny has no consideration when dealing with blacks. Chopin allows the audience to see Aubigny's sudden change in character once he falls in love with Desiree as a foreshadowing mechanism. Aubigny's fickleness is shown later in the story after he notices the uncanny resemblance between his child and the slave boys. Aubigny refuses to believe that he comes from African descent and instead forces ... ...eral important issues in her short story, including the nature of racism, social castes, and the fulfillment of a woman's identity. Chopin portrays Desiree as a woman whose self-worth is controlled by her husband. Kate Chopin is now recognized for her initial examination of sexuality, individual freedom, and exploration of the consequences of actions. Chopin successfully shows the themes of racism, gender prejudice, and social castes by using elements such as symbolism in the short story "Desiree's Baby." Chopin incorporates irony into her story in order to magnify important issues such as discrimination and the rise of feminism in a patriarchal society. Work Cited Chopin, Kate. "Desiree's Baby." Literature and the Writing Process. 7th ed. Eds. Elizabeth McMahan, Susan X Day, and Robert Funk. Upper Saddle River: Prentice, 2002. 184-188.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Summary of the Biography of Edgar Allan Poe

Biography of Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Poe was born in Boston on January 19, 1809. That makes him Capricorn, on the cusp of Aquarius. When Poe was 6, he went to school in England for 5 years. He learned Latin and French, as well as math and history. He later returned to school in America and continued his studies. Edgar Allan went to the University of Virginia in 1826. He was 17. Edgar Allan had no money, no job skills, Edgar went to Boston and joined the U. S. Army in 1827. He was 18. He did reasonably well in the Army and attained the rank of sergeant major.In 1831, Edgar Allan Poe went to New York City where he had some of his poetry published. He submitted stories to a number of magazines and they were all rejected. Poe had no friends, no job, and was in financial trouble. In 1835, Edgar finally got a job as an editor of a newspaper because of a contest he won with his story, â€Å"The Manuscript Found in a Bottle†. Edgar missed Mrs. Clemm and Virginia and brought them to Rich mond to live with him. In 1836, Edgar married his cousin, Virginia. He was 27 and she was 13.As the editor for the Southern Literary Messenger, Poe successfully managed the paper and increased its circulation from 500 to 3500 copies. Despite this, Poe left the paper in early 1836, complaining of the poor salary. In 1837, Edgar went to New York. He wrote â€Å"The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym† but he could not find any financial success. He moved to Philadelphia in 1838 where he wrote â€Å"Ligeia† and â€Å"The Haunted Palace†. His first volume of short stories, â€Å"Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque† was published in 1839. Poe received the copyright and 20 copies of the book, but no money. Poe found himself without a regular job once again.He tried to start a magazine called The Stylus and failed. He won a hundred dollars for his story, â€Å"The Gold Bug† and sold a few other stories to magazines but he barely had enough money to support hi s family. Often, Mrs. Clemm had to contribute financially. In 1844, Poe moved back to New York. Even though â€Å"The Gold Bug† had a circulation of around 300,000 copies, he could barely make a living. He and his family moved to a small cottage near what is now East 192nd Street. Virginia's health was fading away and Edgar was deeply distressed by it. Virginia died in 1847, 10 days after Edgar's birthday.After losing his wife, Poe collapsed from stress but gradually returned to health later that year. On September 27, Poe left Richmond for New York. He went to Philadelphia and stayed with a friend named James P. Moss. On September 30, he meant to go to New York but supposedly took the wrong train to Baltimore. On October 3, Poe was found at Gunner's Hall, a public house at 44 East Lombard Street, and was taken to the hospital. He lapsed in and out of consciousness but was never able to explain exactly what happened to him. Edgar Allan Poe died in the hospital on Sunday, Octo ber 7, 1849.Quotes from Edgar Allan Poe â€Å"It will be found, in fact, that the ingenious are always fanciful, and the truly imaginative never otherwise than analytic. † – from â€Å"The Murders in the Rue Morgue† â€Å"It is more than probable that I am not understood; but I fear, indeed, that it is in no manner possible to convey to the mind of the merely general reader, an adequate idea of that nervous intensity of interest with which, in my case, the powers of meditation (not to speak technically) busied and buried themselves, in the contemplation of even the most ordinary objects of the universe. † – from â€Å"Berenice†

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Mempry of the Camps essays

Mempry of the Camps essays I decided to sign up and take this class, I understood that there was a very good possibility we were going to be exposed to unsettling material and graphic images. After all, everyone knows the holocaust was a tragic time with brutal consequences. I believed that I was ready and able to handle this material with the ease that I handled all previous material that Ive had to review when studying the holocaust. Ive even been to the National Holocaust museum in Washington, D.C. a couple times, enforcing my own belief that I would be able to deal with anything thrown at me during this course. That belief, however, dropped to the bottom of my stomach along with everything else after watching the first five minutes of Memory of the Camps. I have never seen a video like this one before. It seemed as if every image that was on screen was the most horrible until a new image came up, and then that took the title. The hardest thing about this film is that they didnt talk about anything I havent heard before: brutal starvation, deplorable treatment of all prisoners, executions, gas chambers, ovens, torture. The way that this particular video shows the effects of these methods of genocide is much different than anything Ive been exposed to. Perhaps the most disturbing thing shown in the video was what began to seem like constant footage of mass graves. There must have been at least ten gigantic graves in the first camp alone, most of them numbering with body counts in the thousands. Maybe even more disturbing was that the last couple of graves shown had an unknown number of bodies, implying that towards the end of the burial process it had just gotten so bad that they couldnt continue to count. It wasnt just the staggering number of dead bodies that was unnerving, however. It was also the condition in which most of the dead were found. Most of them were basically skeletons with a...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Descriptive Essay Sample on My Mother What and How to Write About My Mom

Descriptive Essay Sample on My Mother What and How to Write About My Mom A bit lost by trying to find out how to write an essay on â€Å"My Mother†? It would seem that there is nothing easier to write about the most important person in our life. Primarily, it’s the person who gives birth to us. In other words, would you see this world with your own eyes? Yes, the surrounding isn’t always so pleasant as wished it to be, but still, you are here and have to write an essay about your mother. This article is aimed at helping you write a descriptive essay about your mother what kind of person she is, what feelings you have towards her, why she is special for you and so on. While working on this type of essay, remember its main purpose to appeal to the audience’s senses and evoke possible emotions. That is what examiners highly appreciate while reading descriptive essays. Below, you’ll be given more practical tips on how to write a descriptive essay on â€Å"My Mother†. First and foremost, read the descriptive essay sample and highlight the most relevant essay ideas for your own one. Essay Sample My Mother Is Everyone has different attitudes towards relatives, but, perhaps, mothers have a significant role for everyone. Isn’t it so for you? Look at what you can say about your mom! Without any doubt, my mother is the most important person in my life and the most powerful individual I know. She is very beautiful and has the kindest eyes that I have ever seen. She not only worked hard to ensure that I had a good upbringing, but was also very strict and often punished me whenever I went wrong. Even though I did not like the punishment then, I now look back and realize that it was meant to lovingly correct me and help me to follow the right path when growing up. My siblings and I have always taken pride in the appearance of our mother, especially her lovely long hair. I remember whenever my mother came to visit us at school, other pupils would urge us to ask our mother to remove the pins from her hair so they could see the long well-kept hair. Even though I have seen very many beautiful people, very few ladies match the beauty of my mother. One of the reasons that I and my siblings were especially fond of my mother is the way she used to take great care of us, especially when we were ill. She is a very knowledgeable lady who made a variety of home remedies to help take care of the minor illnesses that we had as children. Her motherly love also extended to the animals on the farm, especially the chickens. My mother would always check on the chickens and give them medicine whenever she determined that they had some ailment. My siblings and I did not like to see our mother sad and would do just about anything to bring a smile to her face. Interestingly, even when she was very worried or sad about something, she would always smile to make us stop worrying about her. My mother not only loved those around her but was also compassionate. We often observed her compassion towards our neighbors, especially when a new neighbor moved in or when one of the neighbors was going through a hard time. My mother would sacrifice her time to go to a needy neighbor with a hot bowl of soup that would instantly make the neighbors feel appreciated. My mother was a good cook who always left us looking forward to the next meal. She knew how to mix the right ingredients to end up with a meal that often left us licking our fingers. Just the memory of the foods that my mother prepared for us makes me salivate to this present day. 3 Tips on Writing a Descriptive Essay About a Mother Since this is a description essay, one is expected to write about the unique attributes that make the individual or object being described special. In this case, you are going to write about your mother. How to write a descriptive essay on â€Å"My Mother†? Follow the next 5 tips and it won’t take long to see the great results: Focus on the unique characteristics of your mom. You should begin writing this essay by describing what your mother means to you and what unique characteristics make you have special thoughts and feelings about her. Write about what your mother does to be special for you. Don’t neglect the opportunity to explain what your mother does that makes you perceive her to be a special person in your life. Describe how your mother takes care of you. It’s a maternal instinct to make sure a child is safe and has the things he/she needs. So pay attention to this point of the description of your mother it will reveal her personality as a mother considerably. Don’t be afraid of writing a descriptive essay about your mother as a good essay sample and some useful tips are given to you. Just find time to sit down and write a good essay on your own.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Interpretation of picasso art essays

Interpretation of picasso art essays Pablo Picasso was one of the most famous Modern artists of the twentieth century. Picassos work followed the style of Cubism. Cubism was a non-objective style of painting developed in Paris in the early twentieth century. It was characterized by reducing and fragmenting natural forms into abstract, often geometric structures usually presenting itself as a set of unconnected distinct planes. Three Women is a classical example of the Analytical Cubism style. Three Women, created by Picasso in 1908 with oil on canvas, depicts three nudes posing for a picture. Each of the three figures are positioned to overlap each other so not to bring more focus to one over the other. The nudes presented are the center of attention; they are the dominant figures. The faces of each woman seem to take on characteristics of African art. The women appear as if there is movement going on, while at the same time it seems likely that the subjects are in an immovable position. Picasso draws your eye to the figures by painting them with bright complementary colors, causing the women to pop out, making them the first thing you notice. The blue background further heightens the three women as center of attention by framing them in the picture. For this piece, a complementary color scheme was used. Using blue and orange allows the colors to contrast, because they share no common colors. When used together in a design, the colors make each other seem brighter and more intense. The background consists of a cool color, which does not over power the subject, therefore, putting more emphasis on the women depicted. The use of complementary colors allows the focal point to easily jump out in the picture. The cool colors recede while warm colors advance, grabbing your attention. One primary look to Cubism is the use of lighting. Since the image on the canvas is fragmented into an abstract form, there are multiple light sources within the pai...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Designing and implementing questionnaires and interviews Essay

Designing and implementing questionnaires and interviews - Essay Example The following questionnaire is for teachers, parents and students (both members of the study group and the control group) designed by just encircling the number to indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement to the statements provided: 17.) With the emergence of unethical materials and illegal and prohibited information in the internet (e.g. pornography and other clandestine ways of conducting business using the web) do you think this will affect the students’ learning process? Information and data collection are one of the exciting parts of research, though they can be tiring. But this is not to say that they are difficult. When you put a lot of effort in it, data collection can be challenging. You have to earn the cooperation of your respondents; you’ve to build a close rapport with them. In the initial part of the information gathering, some doubts and negative thoughts entered my mind as to how the whole thing can be quite successful, to say the least. Gathering all the data together, doing all the things that seemed to be countless tasks, and executing what I had in mind, seemed impossible to do all at the same time. Then, a lot of ideas also entered my mind which seemed not to point to a particular direction. Aside from the preparations for the interviews and questionnaires, I had to do a lot of research from previous studies, and opinions of experts, teachers, and parents, not only on the contents of the questionnaires but on the actual conduct of the interviews. After you have tried the techniques of brainstorming, branching, or making up journalistic questions and flowcharts, you may also find it useful to try discovery writing. This step can be helpful, especially once you have formulated a thesis statement. (69) This is putting ideas into writing without first arranging or editing them. Just put them down into writing, and then later you’ll discover what and how they’ll come out. Langosch says this is known as â€Å"free

Friday, October 18, 2019

Ashoka, Constantine and Muhammad Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ashoka, Constantine and Muhammad - Assignment Example d Constantine possessed large territorial empires, the domains they ruled over never lasted after their deaths even though they tried to recognize their territories with Constantine and the Christianity and Ashoka with Buddhism. An aspect of significant importance in the study of Constantine is that even though he never created Christianity, he contributed towards the enhancement of its prominence since he converted to it. Similarly, Ashoka since his conversion to Buddhism, he ensured that he enhanced its dominance by rallying his followers behind him. Like Ashoka and Constantine, Muhammad after his conversion to Islam, influenced followers towards converting to his new religion (Gordon and Baumann 1032). The experienced that Ashoka, Constantine, and Muhammad had during their periods of conversion ideally played a significant role in influencing their attitudes toward military expansion and conquest. In such a way, analysts have made an analysis of religion has contributed to the war. Following the process involved towards conversion, this involved active participation in the conquest, and the three have been able actively to get involved in various activities including convincing of their followers into the formation of armies. Such armies would then be used to make military expansions and conquest (Gordon and Baumann

Operating System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Operating System - Essay Example (e.g. for a system call). This mechanism is used to prevent programming mistakes with system resources. It also shares common system resources in an appropriate manner under OS control. It prevents accessibility to protected memory segments. It also identifies instructions that can cause error conditions and inconsistent system state. Memory location of interrupt handler that signifies interrupts and also will save them in a queue if multiple interrupts are in processing, is called interrupt vector. The interrupt vector is a matrix of pointers to specific interrupt-handling routines. A hardware part that is called the device controller along with any device makes up the computer system. The device controllers basically acts as an interface between the device and the OS of that computer. Device controllers is also responsible of transferring data from other devices that controls it and the local buffers. To store and execute necessary commands in device controller, registers and buffers are integrated in the device controller. To provide interface between a device controller and OS, there is a device driver in OS that presents a steady interface into the device. First the device driver is introduced in to the OS to which the device is to be connected and then User and the system can exchange data with help of device through the device itself. In multiprocessor, two copies of the same data may reside in the local cache of each CPU. If one of the CPU changes the data, the Caches of the other cache coherency includes. Storing the data in multiple caches signifies one of the best ways of storing data. In this kind of shared memory, there is different cache memory for each of the processors. It is possible that many copies of one direction operand would exist on multiple caches that would exist on different processors. If one copy is changed, all the copies that are present on the other

Michael Hill Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Michael Hill - Assignment Example 14 E-Marketing Mix Tactics 14 Price – the strategy 15 Internet for Distribution – the length, the functions, members, B2B, B2C and C2C and management 16 Communication – the applications of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) in the E-environment including Texting, Blackberries, IPhones, wireless network etc. 17 Customer Relationship Management – the contribution of the website in CRM (Personalisation) 17 Organisational structures for implementing the plan 18 Budget (learning outcome 3) 18 Forecast revenue 18 Evaluate costs to reach goals 19 Evaluation Plan (learning outcome 3) 20 Identify appropriate performance indicators 20 References 21 Brief Introduction of the Organization Our organisation is called Michael Hill; this company generally provides jewellery. Michael Hill is an international company; it started in New Zealand since 1979. This business has been started by Sir Michael Hill and his family in Whangarei. However, Michael has extended his stores in all over New Zealand. In 1987 the company has been extended into Australian market. In 2002 the company has opened its first three stores in Canada as well as the company has established in United States. In the end of 2009 the company had 242 stores in New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the United States. The robust growth of the organization since its inception in 1979 was marked by successful accomplishments that included the awarding of its originator, Michael Hills, as one of Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year in 2008 (Michael Hill: About Us, n.d.). Its craftmanship in diamonds and watch making are the organization’s core competencies, in conjunction with focus on exemplary customer service. Industry Analysis Strengths (In Michael Hill) Michael Hill Jewellery has some strength which can help them to get better position in their E-Marketing. People in New Zealand know Michael Hill since 1979, so they trust Michael Hill Company. As well as people bel ieve that Michael Hill applies a pricing strategy that focuses on providing low prices through price promotional strategies, yet, good quality. Another reason that makes the firm to stand out is the continual revenue growth, which is a successful outcome of the organization’s core competencies in watch making and diamond craftsmanship. Weaknesses (In Michael Hill) The weaknesses that were noted in the organization includes locating New Zealand stores close to each other, particularly in the northern part of the country (in Glenfield, Pukekohe, and Sylvia Park), as well as in the middle portion (Upper Hutt and Johnsonville) where potentials for increasing market shares are diminished. Likewise, due to the number of stores in New Zealand, the organization carries high inventories which are cost intensive and thereby reduces maximizing income potentials. Opportunities (for Michael Hill) The opportunities open for Michael Hill are areas to expand in the international markets part icularly in emerging markets where economic growths are being exemplified; for instance in markets of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Performance Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Performance Art - Essay Example This paper shall focus on performance artists and how they have been affected by various incidents and happenings. It shall highlight performance artists Marina Abramovic, Yoko Ono, and Stuart Brisley. This paper is being carried out in order to review the impact of performance art on art itself, and how these artists have impacted on the evolution and development of art in general. Each artist’s personal and professional history will first be presented, followed by a description of their significant work or performance art. Their more significant work/s shall then further be described or discussed in relation to significant incidents in their lives. Body Performance art refers to a performance which is exhibited to an audience; the performance may or may not be scripted, or it may also be carefully orchestrated or even spontaneous (Carlson, 1996, 3). In some cases, it may be performed live or taped with the performer being absent or present. It may include the situation which involves the four basic elements: time, space, performance’s body or presence in a media, and the relationship between the performer and the audience (Carlson, 1996, 4). It can happen anytime at any venue for any period. The performance of the artist exhibits the artist’s particular work of art. Three performance artists who have had a significant impact on art and on performance art shall be depicted in this essay. Marina Abramovic was born in Belgrade, and is based in New York as a Serbian performance artist (Stiles,, 2008, 3). Her career first started in the 1970s and since then, she has been active in the arts for more than three decades. She has mostly been known for her performance art, exploring the relationship of the performer and the audience, the possibilities of the mind, as well as the limitations of the human body (Stiles,, 2008, 5). She is considered to be the ‘grandmother of the performance art.’ In one of her earliest perfor mances, she sought to evaluate rituals and gestures, using knives and tape recorders, jabbing the knives between her fingers and each time she cut herself, she would use a different knife (Stiles,, 2008, 4). In this performance, she was able to review the mistakes of the past and her previous attempts. In this performance, she sought to understand the state of consciousness of a performer and how it was actually possible to push him into actions which he could never normally do (Stiles,, 2008, 6). In her next work, she considered how to create the energy caused by extreme body pain. In this performance, she cut off her nails, toenails, and hair and tossed it into a flaming star (Richards, 2009, 6). She considered these acts of purification as against the political traditions of her past; with the star representing the communism that dominated her home country for many years. To culminate her performance, she leapt across the flames into the centre of the burning star. She however passed out from lack of oxygen, but it took a while for her audience to realize such unfortunate circumstance (Richards, 2009, 7). This incident implied how physical limits can also limit performance; in this case, her passing out limited and curtailed her performance and what she wanted to convey in her art. For the years that followed, she also attempted to test the state of consciousness and whether it could also be made part of a performance (Westcott, 2010, 18). In her performance, she took a pill used by catatonic patients. This pill caused her to go into seizures and other uncontrollable movements (Westcott, 2010. 13). She recalls that while she did not have any control over her body, her mind was clear and lucid and she could observe what was actually

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

History - Essay Example The movement received wide level of recognition and support among the urban youths and the marginalised urban poor. In the same way, supporters of the movement included diverse grassroots organizations from the rural areas and provincial cities, peasant organizations, civic, political and economic networks, and professional cadres. The proponents of the movement also aimed at dismantling dictatorship and building â€Å"a democratic state that prioritised the demands of the excluded and exploited majority and their full participation in deciding the agenda of their communities and of the nation† (Dupuy 91). A critical evaluation of the movement convinces one that the legacy of Haiti’s revolution has had great influence on the objectives, as well as outcome, of the Lavalas movement and this calls for the need to unearth the influences of Haitian revolution on the Lavalas movement. The Haitian Revolution has often been regarded as the most successful rebellion initiated by the slaves in 1791that culminated in the abolition of slavery and French domination. In fact, the revolutionaries were influenced by the French revolution itself and fought for equality, fraternity and liberty. Even though, the Haiti revolution was proved to be successful, poverty, were political and economic instability haunted the nation.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Michael Hill Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Michael Hill - Assignment Example 14 E-Marketing Mix Tactics 14 Price – the strategy 15 Internet for Distribution – the length, the functions, members, B2B, B2C and C2C and management 16 Communication – the applications of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) in the E-environment including Texting, Blackberries, IPhones, wireless network etc. 17 Customer Relationship Management – the contribution of the website in CRM (Personalisation) 17 Organisational structures for implementing the plan 18 Budget (learning outcome 3) 18 Forecast revenue 18 Evaluate costs to reach goals 19 Evaluation Plan (learning outcome 3) 20 Identify appropriate performance indicators 20 References 21 Brief Introduction of the Organization Our organisation is called Michael Hill; this company generally provides jewellery. Michael Hill is an international company; it started in New Zealand since 1979. This business has been started by Sir Michael Hill and his family in Whangarei. However, Michael has extended his stores in all over New Zealand. In 1987 the company has been extended into Australian market. In 2002 the company has opened its first three stores in Canada as well as the company has established in United States. In the end of 2009 the company had 242 stores in New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the United States. The robust growth of the organization since its inception in 1979 was marked by successful accomplishments that included the awarding of its originator, Michael Hills, as one of Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year in 2008 (Michael Hill: About Us, n.d.). Its craftmanship in diamonds and watch making are the organization’s core competencies, in conjunction with focus on exemplary customer service. Industry Analysis Strengths (In Michael Hill) Michael Hill Jewellery has some strength which can help them to get better position in their E-Marketing. People in New Zealand know Michael Hill since 1979, so they trust Michael Hill Company. As well as people bel ieve that Michael Hill applies a pricing strategy that focuses on providing low prices through price promotional strategies, yet, good quality. Another reason that makes the firm to stand out is the continual revenue growth, which is a successful outcome of the organization’s core competencies in watch making and diamond craftsmanship. Weaknesses (In Michael Hill) The weaknesses that were noted in the organization includes locating New Zealand stores close to each other, particularly in the northern part of the country (in Glenfield, Pukekohe, and Sylvia Park), as well as in the middle portion (Upper Hutt and Johnsonville) where potentials for increasing market shares are diminished. Likewise, due to the number of stores in New Zealand, the organization carries high inventories which are cost intensive and thereby reduces maximizing income potentials. Opportunities (for Michael Hill) The opportunities open for Michael Hill are areas to expand in the international markets part icularly in emerging markets where economic growths are being exemplified; for instance in markets of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

History - Essay Example The movement received wide level of recognition and support among the urban youths and the marginalised urban poor. In the same way, supporters of the movement included diverse grassroots organizations from the rural areas and provincial cities, peasant organizations, civic, political and economic networks, and professional cadres. The proponents of the movement also aimed at dismantling dictatorship and building â€Å"a democratic state that prioritised the demands of the excluded and exploited majority and their full participation in deciding the agenda of their communities and of the nation† (Dupuy 91). A critical evaluation of the movement convinces one that the legacy of Haiti’s revolution has had great influence on the objectives, as well as outcome, of the Lavalas movement and this calls for the need to unearth the influences of Haitian revolution on the Lavalas movement. The Haitian Revolution has often been regarded as the most successful rebellion initiated by the slaves in 1791that culminated in the abolition of slavery and French domination. In fact, the revolutionaries were influenced by the French revolution itself and fought for equality, fraternity and liberty. Even though, the Haiti revolution was proved to be successful, poverty, were political and economic instability haunted the nation.

Problem Formulation and Identification Process Essay Example for Free

Problem Formulation and Identification Process Essay It doesnt matter which side of the fence you get off on sometimes. What matters most is getting off. You cannot make progress without making decisions (Jim Rohn). In the corporate world, leaders are faced with decisions that can make or break the organizations they represent. Several methods, consensus, brainstorming, systematic, and democratic are used in the decision making process. This paper will investigate the decision-making processes most prevalent in each team members organization, compare and contrast them, and will show the most favorable aspect of each style. Consensus The name of my company is Envicor. Envicor is a plastics molding company that manufactures anything that can be made of plastic. This author was recently hired as the national sales manager to oversee Envicors newest product line, sporting goods equipment. This authors job is to promote the sale of portable pitching mounds to a broad range of customers. When it comes to decision making, Envicor uses the consensus method. Consensus is a process using group decision making. The input and ideas of all participants are gathered and synthesized to arrive at a final decision acceptable to all. Through consensus, the company is not only working to achieve better solutions, but also to promote the growth of community and trust. Consensus takes more time, as many resources are investigated before a decision is made. Team members become committed to the decision through consensus. The consensus method gives everyone experience with new processes of interaction and conflict resolution. For consensus to be a positive experience, the group should have 1) common values, 2) some skill in group process and conflict resolution, or a commitment to let these be facilitated,3) commitment and responsibility to the group by its members, and 4) sufficient time for everyone to participate in the process (C.D.T. 2009). The goal of Envicor is to expand our product line to as many customers as possible. After making contact with a catalog company, a meeting is called  in order to discuss the pros and cons of including our product in the catalog. In the meetings, each person gets a chance to give his or her opinion. Once everyone has spoken, a decision is made. By using the consensus method, the group is able to come together and make a decision based on each persons opinion. Advantages and disadvantages exist when using the consensus method of decision making.. Some examples are:Strengths:†¢Encourages cooperation instead of competition†¢Garners trust and confidence; everyone is involved in the final decision†¢Everyone agrees to the final decision no matter whether a majority, minority, or lone voiceWeaknesses†¢Lack of experience may lead to inefficient use of the method†¢Lack of control in meetings, conversation goes off topic†¢No ownership when decision is not correct or no consensus made (Notes on Consensus-Decision Making). Consensus seems to work well for smaller companies because it allows them to actually talk out their decisions and come together. Bigger companies might struggle with this type of decision making process because there might be too many employees and it could waste a lot of time. Brainstorming In the brainstorming model, all employees use free thinking to create ideas that will later be used as part of the projects process. Brainstorming is useful because it allows all employees, some with extensive experience, to give their input. All members contributions allow them to own their role within the group and therefore, believe they have been a larger part of greater good. Like other decision making processes, brainstorming has advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that all decisions are reached by consensus of the entire group. The larger the group is in a brainstorming session, the better the results will be. Everyone works from his or her strengths, weaknesses, experience, and education to find the best results for the project. Next, by making the decision a group project, everyone has a chance to  participate in the decision making process. They are able to voice their objections and give alternative suggestions. This open forum allows ideas to flow freely, and sound decisions are made quickly. A disadvantage of brainstorming is similar to one of its advantages. With more than two or three employees making a decision, the result can become a point of contention and a fight for power within the group. The more people involved in the process, the greater the propensity for debate, creating the possibility of a stalemate. Another disadvantage of brainstorming is something called group think. This occurs when one member of a group makes a statement, and the others follow along. Nothing is accomplished because only one person is making the decision with no alternate suggestions. An open dialogue does not exist; therefore, solutions to problems are not properly explored. SystematicThe systematic approach to decision-making is rational and analytical. (Concise Handbook of Management) This approach employs existing data, and the goal of the decision is the focus of the steps taken to put the decision together. This authors organization uses the systematic approach for making most decisions. A strength of using the systematic approach is that information used to reach the final decision is based on factual data. The goal has been clearly identified; the objective(s) have been defined; the impact of not addressing the issue has been established. A weakness of systematic decision making, an example of which will be described in the following paragraphs, is that the decision can become stalled in the process. Additionally, regardless of how much research is done, if all principal stakeholders are not engaged in the process, a negative outcome is possible. Several years ago this authors company developed a product that was designed to align with current imaging procedures. The equipment is a dual-head injector for use in CT scan. The purpose of the dual-head is to provide Radiologists with the capability of using not only contrast media for the CT exams, but also saline. Benefits of having the saline option developed as  the clinical team became more familiar with the system, but initially the service team was concerned about damage occurring to the injector head if a saline syringe was not used. At that time, without consulting other stakeholders, the service and engineering teams went to work on a solution that would prevent this issue.Several years later, as the clinical team was successfully promoting saline usage, the engineering department began shipping a cap for the saline side of the injector. Yes, the issue had been clearly identified, the objective for the project was defined, and the impact of not addressing the issue had been determined. However, because all stakeholders in the decision were not involved, and because the process took so long, the decision and resulting action became a very expensive mistake. Democratic In this participative form of the decision making process the superior(s) gives complete ownership of the decision to the subordinates (Sager 1999). The democratic decision making process allows for the employees (stakeholders) to have ownership of the decisions that are made. The majority vote wins, which can lead to fast and effective decisions concerning the stakeholders. In this decision making process the adage regarding having strength in numbers reigns true. A drawback to the democratic process can be that no one person takes responsibility for the decision if something goes wrong. It may be hard to pinpoint how the decision came to such a conclusion if it does not work out for the benefit for the stakeholders. In using the example of the Health Insurance Accountability and Portability Act (HIPPA) of 1996, a vote for change by a group of individuals affected by the way health records were handled was applauded, then when implemented, the act became more a hindrance than a solution to a problem. In the vast health systems used there was a need to implement a privacy feature to protect patients information, so the HIPPA regulations were signed into law in 1996. HIPPA was implemented by a democratic decision making process and became popular with health organizations such as Medicare and well known health insurance companies. Later HIPPAs biggest fans became its biggest objectors because the law made it impossible for anyone to get  health information on the patient, including the parent(s) or guardians of minor children and the elderly, unless there was a form signed by the patient, the legal guardian, or POA. HIPPA soon became more frustrating than helpful, and the majority who voted for its implementation became the majority opposing it. So in implementing the democratic decision making process for the good of the people to whom the power is given, it must be made known that with great power comes great responsibility (Uncle Ben, Spider Man Pt1). Contrast and ComparisonProblems and issues are generally inevitable when people are working together. Each individual decision making process can allow for better management of those situations for building a better organization. This does not mean there will be an absence of issues, but whether or not the team resolves the problem effectively. Each decision making process described above demonstrates to the reader the importance of adhering to a process that will work for each organization. The consensus method shows how the power of agreement can lead to a good decision. However, this method can be time consuming and teamwork plays a major role. Brainstorming will allow for creativity and open ideas, but can also cause conflicts and debates among the group members due to so many independent ideas being presented. In the systematic approach to decision making organization is critical. This process bases decisions on factual information. The systematic process can be costly if all members are not involved in the final decision. Democratic decisions are made based on majority input. The stakeholders are in total control of the decision making process. Speedy and effective decisions can be made; however, problems can occur because not everyone who can vote will vote. Then if a decision has a negative impact on the group it can be hard to identify the owner of the problem. The authors of this paper have investigated four types of decision making, consensus, brainstorming, systematic, and democratic. Advantages and disadvantages of each type have been presented, and finally, all were compared and contrasted with each other. References Consensus Decision Making. Aids Coalition to Unleash Power. Retrieved May 19, 2009. on Consensus-Decision Making. Retrieved May 19, 2009., Jonathan T. 2009, Concise Handbook of Management: A Practitioners ApproachChapter 17: Managerial Decision Making and Problem Solving, p131- 138retrieved 5/19/09 from, C. R. (2006). Umikers Management Skills for the New Health Care Supervisor. Ch 25 pp.337-345. Sager, K.L., Gastil, J.,(1999). Reaching consensus on consensus Communication Quarterly. 47(1), 67-79.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Comparison of Project Management Methodologies

Comparison of Project Management Methodologies Introduction Project management describes an organizational approach to the management about ongoing operations linked to a project. Project management has an importance since the early 1980s as a distinct discipline. The first step in developing any discipline is to develop a Body of Knowledge on the discipline as detailed concepts, processes and methodologies are developed. Project management has recognition due to the massive growth of the IT industry and managing the problems of projects effectively. Project management has body of knowledge, project management tools and software. The project management body of knowledge is a universal body of knowledge on the discipline and it has developed to make basic competency and knowledge in project management personnel to handle difficult projects in an ordered manner. A methodology is a set of guiding principle that can be modified and useful to a precise condition. A methodology might also be a precise approach, templates, forms, and even checklists used over the project life cycle. A recognized project methodology is supposed to lead the effort of all team members all over the life cycle of a project. All members of a group should be well-known with and use the selected methodology right through their projects. Many project management methodologies agreement with the management of a single project, without appreciating that many other projects in a company compete for the very same assets and awareness. The project management methodology should also suggest project managers with the point of view that there is a project management framework and related methodologies present in the company. In this article, we will be discussing PMBoK of the Project Management Institute (PMI, USA) and APM (Association of Project Managers) (UK). In addition, we will also look at PRINCE2, that is more of a software product for project management, but flexible enough to fit in between, a body of knowledge and a full scale SW product. While both APM and Prince2 have their origin in UK, PMBoK is from PMI of USA. APM represents the BoK from France, Germany, UK, and Switzerland. PMBoK and APM are body of knowledge while PRINC2 is a PM software product and hence branded as prescriptive (defined for the user with limited flexibility within the overall framework), while the BoK is just a body of knowledge, that need to be put to use by defining the operational elements. Benefits of Project Management Methodologies Structured approaches as in PMBOK and products such as Prince2, enable capture all elements of the project upfront; educate project team on the various elements and their relationships /dependencies, to create a workable and accountable team environment. Projects as different from non project (operational) environments are extremely time, resource, dependencies and outcome sensitive, and are not eternal. To implement a project, a team is assembled to execute the project as different from an operational phase where employees work on a consistent / homogeneous environment for long time, and there is a natural learning process of the job and cross dependencies. Projects cannot afford the luxury of natural learning. PM methodologies thus focus on the conscious deliberate approach to build capacity in the project team for execution through training, clear definition of the project, roles and tasks, assets, improvement description and methods of tracking improvement, communication, risk ma nagement and mid course correction, and so on. These are achieved through defined processes and definition of functional areas and their relationships. A project organization structure will deliver the output in line with the processes defined in the PM methodologies. Thus a structured approach greatly helps in avoiding costly and time consuming discoveries during the project phase, and adopting a trial and error method. It is basically an attempt to define and clarify upfront, and put in place processes to implement tasks that are clarified and defined. PM methodologies also ensure through IT technology that drives them, consistency and integrity of project information and the data it relies on, for subsequent actions by various project team actors. Data consistency and timely availability is one of the most critical impediments to any project. Technology induction in PM helps in having one single page view of all facets of the project at any point in time, for all stakeholders, on a need to know basis, within as well as outside the project. As structured approaches removes this shortcoming by capturing data from the business processes itself, there is no need for or time lost in database updating. The updating is thus compulsive, error free and automatic. Structured approaches also helps define criticality and automatic generation of alerts on defined project events for timely intervention as well as tracking performance. This helps avoid costly actions that otherwise would have been taken based on hunch, without access to current data. Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) PMBOK was initiated by the PMI in 1987 to standardize generally accepted project management practices. The focus is on process driven management to ensure standardization of good practices on the lines of ISO 9000 and the Software Engineering Institutes CMMI. PMBOK is structured as five process groups and nine knowledge areas and is compliant with IEEE Std 1490-2003. The five processes are: Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and Controlling, and Closing. PMBoK processes are project phase driven in terms of Inputs (documents, plans, designs, etc.), Tools and Techniques (mechanisms applied to inputs) and Outputs (documents, products, etc.). The nine knowledge areas address Project Integration, Scope, Time, Cost, Quality, Human Resources, Communications, Risk and Procurement. Each knowledge area is conceived to comprise all or some of the processes. The philosophy of any PM methodology is breaking down the works in a structured manner (WBS), sequencing them, define their relationships, dependencies, start and end dates, resources needed, costs, risks, and follow concepts of critical paths, resource leveling and so on. PM methodologies explicitly identify all above ingredients of a project that are mostly internal to the project. In addition, there are several factors considered to be exogenous to the project itself, which thinking is changing now. These exogenous factors are the human resources, finance, environmental management, stakeholder management, regulations, relationships, risks, project outcomes in terms of quantifiable benefits and the time when they are to occur, Thus project management has extended its boundary by internalizing their forward and backward linkages with the project itself. PM is no longer a pure engineering function, but a critical holistic techno, commercial managerial task. Why PMBOK? The project management body of knowledge is a generalized body of knowledge on the discipline, developed to create basic competence and knowledge, in project management personnel, to handle complex projects in a structured manner. This was important since the people working and managing projects (having to manage projects) in the IT industry, was young and inexperienced, and IT project management itself was an emerging area. Therefore it was felt that a defined body of knowledge is necessary to build the concept of PM. Comparison with Traditional or non-structured methodology (Waterfall Model) Waterfall model is expensive and lengthy to back to a previous phase to fix them if encounter difficulties during one phase. If there have problems with the design during construction, then the only way is to stop all construction work and restart the design process otherwise most of the construction work will not match the new design. Construction can start again only after the new design finalized, documented, and signed off. It makes changes very difficult to implement the PMBOK can formulate waterfall development seem natural and appropriate. PRINCE 2 PRINCE2 project management methodology is a world-class standard for managing projects to a successful conclusion. It is a de facto standard used widely by the UK Government and is broadly recognized and used in the private area, both in the UK and globally. PRINCE2, the method, is in the public area, offering non-proprietorial best-practice guideline on project management. In fact Prince2 is not good enough on the quality management in projects but strong on Risk Management. It covers how to arrange, proceed and control your projects.  As a Project manager, the principles of PRINCE2 and the related training can be used to any type of project to manage risk, control quality and change successfully, as well as build the most of demanding situations and opportunities, that occur within a project. The key features of PRINCE2 are: its spotlight on business justification a definite business constitution for the project management team its product-based development approach its highlighting on isolating the project into controllable and manageable stages its elasticity to be used at a stage suitable to the project PRINCE2 does not explain all aspects of project management.   Fields such as leadership and people management skills, detailed coverage of project management tools and techniques covered by other existing and proven methods are excluded from PRINCE2. Benefits of using PRINCE2 PRINCE2 gives benefits to the managers and directors of a project and to an organization through the apply of resources and the skill to manage business and risk more successfully. PRINCE is broadly recognized, understood and giving a general language for all participants in a project. It also supports formal identification of duties within a project and focuses on what a project is to deliver, why, when and for whom. PRINCE2 supplies projects with a controlled and organized start, middle and end. It helps to review of progress against plan and against the business case and ensure the involvement of management and stakeholders at the right time and place during the project and good communication guide between the project, project management and the organization. Project Managers using PRINCE2 are able to: set up terms of reference as a precondition to the initiate of a project use a defined formation for delegation, authority and communication split the project into controllable phases for more correct planning make sure resource promise from management is part of any approval to proceed give regular but brief management reports maintain meetings with management and stakeholders to a minimum but at the essential points in the project. For senior management PRINCE2 uses the management by exception idea. They are kept fully up to date of the project condition without having to be present at regular, time-consuming meetings. There are many organizations providing teaching, consultancy and tools services for PRINCE2, thus ensuring a competitive supply. In addition, there is an active user group dedicated to the support, promotion and strengthening of the method. APM Body of Knowledge The APM Body of Knowledge is a recognized collection of project management knowledge. It gives introductions and general guides to those areas measured vital to the regulation of managing projects, and it is visibly structured with definitions, explanations and recommended further evaluation material. This information will direct and help those involved in project management in their effort, studies and learning for accepted qualifications. While a structure has been provided to handle the BoK, it should not be construed as one element of the structure, being independent of the other. In fact they are all interdependent and the structure is only for the purpose of logical organization and clarity. They are treated separately due to their significance and to aid in simplicity of their presentation. In reality, many topics may fit into more than one section as they may be applicable to more than one phase of a project. For example, project risk management and project quality management are not to be treated as topics in isolation. APM Body of Knowledge and PRINCE2 Compared There are many similarities that can be found when comparing the APM Body of Knowledge with PRINCE2. For example, they both: Describe generic approaches to project management that can be useful in spite of the type of project Can be applied across geological and cultural boundaries, even though they both originate within the United Kingdom Recognize that they cannot provide a one-size-fits-all formula to project success Cover the topics of Business Case, Organizational Roles, Quality Management, Risk Management, Change Control, Issue Management, Configuration Management, and aspects of Planning and of Progress Control. The key difference between APM Body of Knowledge and PRINCE2 PRINCE 2 is a structured project management method and APM BoK a body of project management knowledge APM BoK provides descriptions and explanations of a broad range of project management topics and takes a discipline-based approach to project management , where PRINCE 2 Provides detailed descriptions of specific approaches that PRINCE2 has for a fairly narrow range of project management topics and takes a process-based approach to project management A brief comparison of PMBOK and APM depicts following salient features In addition to commonalities, PMBOK explicitly addresses socio economics, quality management, risk management, communication, stakeholders and organizational influences, while APM addresses success / failure criteria, post project appraisal, project environment such as law, mobilization, delegation, leadership communication, conflict, negotiation, and industrial relations, marketing skills. IT Governance and Methodologies IT project committee has come into view as an important corporate duty. The capacity to manage strict managerial and board control over main IT projects throughout their lifecycle, has become a decision making issue in shaping businesses bloom and creator with tools at the spirit of most businesses. PRINCE 2 offers a process model that is aimed to be applied, as a set of steps in a coherent sequence by a project manager in planning and managing a project. The application of the process model is adjustable to almost all types of projects and a good number of complexities. Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 manual contains a number of materials that are regulations for a project manager in applying the process model. The PMBOK details are a set of processes that descend under nine Knowledge Areas and can be connected in five groups if the project manager prefers. PMBOK offers the project manager a considerable range of data about proven practices in this area and provoke the project manager to relate these where they think appropriate but PRINCE2 provides more regulatory steps for the project manager and teams to follow. Knowledge areas of the PMBOK and the procedures and materials of PRINCE2 and APM have many similar topics. It is clear that all three represent best practice with their difference being in the implementation as a methodology and a number of terminology differences. The PRINCE 2 approach has some advantages that it brings a degree of consistency in an organization. At the same time as allowing for tailoring to a range of projects generally requires undertaking the same processes and using the same terminology for all projects. There have some payback in corporate program management, project staff training programs, project presentation and tracking systems. The disadvantage is restricts creativity in the diversity of methods applied to managing a project. There have some benefits in accepting both PMBOK and PRINCE2 to co-exist in several companies. PMBOK presents the academic knowledge resource that is useful in improving the profession of project management. It also permits flexibility in adoption and implementation that is context driven. PRINCE2 presents a process model that is applied directly by project managers and teams from a diverse range of backgrounds to make consistent project management and project results. Though there are several commonalities across projects of all types one need to have organizational efficiency, flexibility and creativity to make various kind of projects. In short PRINCE2 is a ready to consume food, while PMBOK and APM are ingredients that need to be cooked the way one wants, but one need to know how to do it. Concluding observations While there are only a few initiatives on the Body of Knowledge in Project Management such as PmBok and APM, there are several Software products that help implement a professional and structured project management practice. These products vary from stand alone packages that are implementable on single systems to the most sophisticated ones that are even implementable as a web based system, Some of the products also integrate with the other organizational systems such ERP and functional software packages that help integrate the entire functions of running an organization whether in the excusive business of managing projects or projects are only one of the activities of the organization. While the BoK helps those in project management to understand project management as a structured disciple the products helps in implementing structured project management practice. Project management as any other discipline is still emerging and it should not be surprising if the discipline undergoes a complete transformation as the discipline matures and branches out into further project specific specialties as has happened in the case of Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP). Project management specialists should look out for such evolving opportunities with an open innovative mind.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Paideia, Schole, Paidia: Then and Now :: Philosophy Philosophical Essays

Paideia, Schole, Paidia: Then and Now ABSTRACT: Aristotle centers the citizen’s education (paideia) on leisure (schole). Its features, especially of play (paidia), are evoked to remedy deficiencies in three contemporary philosophies of leisure: classical, critical and communitarian. Paideia, the citizen's education, is extensively tied up with liberal studies in most of Aristotle's discussion in book eight of the Politics. But this tie-up intellectualizes the leisure at their root in the first few chapters of the book. While my undergraduates in leisure studies always need to be drawn up from their sole focus upon sport, perhaps my philosophy colleagues need relief to de-intellectualize paideia back down to schole. There are dimensions of Aristotle's comments which are remedial to contemporary streams of leisure theory. This paper will recapitulate his comments, then apply them to three types of contemporary theory. His first chapter justifies the reason why politics is not meddling when it takes an interest in the formation of its citizens. This is because any constitution will not be workable unless citizens' characters, their virtues, are compatible with it. His second chapter opens what should be taught. Without doubt, useful things should be taught. But not all useful things: useful things which "vulgarize" the citizen should not. To vulgarize is to make one less fit for the practice of virtue, the city's concern. Any occupation, art or science can vulgarize. An occupation will, if it is paid employment; that degrades the mind by absorbing it. An art will, if it deforms the body; the Spartans did that, by their excruciating and savage routines. And a science will, if it is pursued to its perfection of detail. Our bywords about workaholic compulsions, steroid stars, and nerdy scholars, show that we experience the three instances he speaks of, even if paradoxes appear that do not trouble him. Why learn anything at all that is useful, if we can't earn a living at it? How is it virtuous to be never the master but ever a dabbler? Is it not inherent in science to drive us to its ultimate details, one way toward its principles and another toward its applications? These three are more localized problems, however, than his fourth limitation on useful education. That the very same activity is first excluded from the teachable useful, and then is re-included merely by a change in its object, touches our Aristotle with an anachronistic subjectivity, whereby the subject constitutes whatever identity the object has.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Famine Relief Essay -- Article Analysis

In response to the recent failure of the international community to prevent the famine crisis in the Horn of Africa since July 2011, Suzanne Dvorak the chief executive of Save the Children wrote that, â€Å"We need to provide help now. But we cannot forget that these children are wasting away in a disaster that we could - and should - have prevented† she added, â€Å"The UN estimates that every $1 spent in prevention saves $7 in emergency spending.† (Dvorak, 2011). Many people who read such statement wonder about our obligation towards famine relief, and ask, whether we are morally obliged to spend one dollar in order to prevent such a crisis or not. Forty years ago, Peter Singer answered this question in his article Famine, Affluence, and Morality; Singer suggested, â€Å"we should prevent bad occurrences unless, to do so, we had to sacrifice something morally significant† (C&M, 827). However, different philosophers and writers have criticized his view and the general idea to help the poor. In this paper, I will argue against two articles which were written against Singer’s view, and against helping the poor countries in general. I will argue against John Arthur’s article Famine Relief and the Ideal Moral Code (1974 ) ,and Garrett Hardin’s article Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Helping the Poor ( 1976); I will show that both articles are exaggerating the negative consequences of aiding the poor, as well as building them on false assumptions. Both Arthur and Hardin are promoting the self-interest without considering the rights of others, and without considering that giving for famine relief means giving life to many children. A Case against John Arthur In the article Famine Relief and the Ideal Moral Cod... ... Friedman, U. (2011, July 19). What It took for the U.N to declare famine in Somalia. Retrieved from Hardin, G. (1974, September ). Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Helping the Poor. Retrieved from Montgomery, K. (n.d.). The Demographic Transition. Retrieved on August 4, 2011 from White, J. (2009). Contemporary Moral Problems [pp360]. Retrieved from,+global+warming+and+famine&hl=en&ei=diw7TsOyGoSisQLK_N35Dw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&sqi=2&ved=0CDcQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=Consumption%20%2C%20global%20warming%20and%20famine&f=false.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Be Not Afraid of Goodness

While hearing some talks by Cardinal Mario Bergoglio during the previous week of the Pope’s election, it was mention the word â€Å"coprophilia† as a common reaction by people in front of certain information. This was an answer made to LaStampa. it, an Italian Online Newspaper, about the sensationalist journalism that often publishes scandals about the Catholic Church (qtd. in Tornielli n. pag. ). He explained that this kind of journalism is a result of a sickness called coprophilia, something that most of journalists are in danger to get and by them, people in danger to commit â€Å"coprophagy†, a common sin that marks all women and men (qtd. n Tornielli n. pag. ). After a week, this Cardinal was elected as the new Pope of the Catholic Church. In the moment I heard about him, I run to find those words’ meaning. I discovered that Merriam-Webster Online defines â€Å"coprophilia† as â€Å"marked interest in excrement† (n. pag. ) and coprophagy as â€Å"eating of feces that is normal behavior among many animals† (n. pag. ). Therefore, I started to think about the meaning of those words in context of Cardinal Bergoglio’s answer, now Holy Father Pope Francis. What did he mean about people sick of coprophilia and committing coprophagy when we talk about the scandals of the Catholic Church? Fortunately, the bomb of news about the new Pope’s election and people’s perceptions and comments about him as man and Catholic leader answered my questions. He meant that coprophilia is the people’s tendency – and journalists, as main source of information – to look for the worst part of something in a morbid way, placing the good aside; that makes people – receptors – to commit coprophagy by consuming that negative perspective. Once the Holy Father Pope Francis gave his first words to his people, most of Catholics realized that he was a very humble man who just asks us to pray for him and for each other. In his Homily for inaugural Mass of Petrine Ministry, he mentioned several important facts directed to not just Catholics, but also to all the Governors who were present there in Saint Peter Square, Vatican. He said, â€Å"Let us never forget that authentic power is service, and that the Pope too, when exercising power, must enter ever more fully into that service which has its radiant culmination on the Cross† Holy Father Pope Francis n. pag. ). Also he explained, â€Å"We must not be afraid of goodness, of tenderness† because tenderness â€Å"is not the virtue of the weak but rather a sign of strength of spirit and a capacity for concern, for compassion, for genuine openness to others, for love† (n. pag. ). Those words opened mine mind and heart deeply; I could not believe that simple words like his could move me so much. I felt very happy and inspired by him and wanted to find more information about him and his previous talks and writings as Cardinal. Nevertheless, those nice feelings were shocked by horrible information about him just typing his name on Google. There were several news about him as a participant priest of the Argentinean dictatorship during 1976-1983, as well as accusations of misogynistic activity because of some things he supposedly said about women’s incapacities in a conference. Not wanting to trust that information, I started to ask people. Sadly, I found most of them with the knowledge about the unfounded internet accusations, but not about what he has said about service and tenderness. It was then that I comprehended deeply how people, journalists as the first source of communication, have an excessive interest on the â€Å"secret† or â€Å"bad† aspects of any news and deny people the very good information they can get, as the whole inspiration I received upon initially reading the Pope’s words. After searching on Google and asking people, I started to dig a little bit on certain reliable information. Fortunately, I found that the new Pope’s supposed participation in the dictatorship were false accusations based on pictures of him, from his back, giving the communion to General Videla – Dictator Argentinean President. The picture showed an old thin man as priest, but that year, he was 26 years old, so he could not be that man. Other sources showed as well that people who were imprisoned because of him declared publicly that he was not involved with dictatorship actions. About misogynistic declarations of women in a conference, a program of Eternal Word Television Network did a search about that conference of Cardinal Bergoglio talking about women’s incapacities and recurred directly to the only source that was accusing him, and it resulted that they have said that from a Yahoo forum commentary made by an atheist person who hated the Catholic Church. That person did not have any fundament for saying that. Sadly, all of this false information was spread quickly and most of people were consuming those arguments easily. All this experience made me grow in the way of evaluating mass information, I discovered that despite the fact something could be really good, like the thoughts of Holy Father Pope Francis that everybody can take advantage of, there will be a dangerous filter which will try to show us the worst part of it. However, that is not because of â€Å"evil† journalists, is because of people’s consumption. In general, people do not care about the true behind information; just pay attention to the secret and bad things can be said about something. Therefore, being critical while reading and willing to find the truth, could give us enormous benefits allowing us to know the best part of everything taking care of our minds and hearts.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Courage Essay

Every human being on this planet is unique and different but we are all born with the gift of courage. However there are very few who take advantage of that gift. Courage is the ability to work one’s way through a tough situation, be it mental or physical. We all have faced or witnessed tough challenges before. Th difference, however, is that some people tend to give up when the goings get rough, while others keep on. People commit acts of courage on a daily basis, many of them without even realizing it. Today I will talk to you about an event in particular. Imagine playing hockey with a bunch of boys and being the only girl it’s very difficult, even more then it sounds. I was the only girl on the team and most of the boys would refuse to pass the puck to me or even tell me when I did a good play. This didn’t bother me very much because I knew I would just have to work harder to prove them wrong, it was a challenge I was ready to take on. Half the season was done and everyone got to know me better and most of the team started to be friends with me, except one. His name was Aidan, he had blonde hair and blue eyes. He would always insult me before and after practice, in front of the rest of our team but they would never say anything to the coaches. Yes it was difficult to not let it get to me but I would always tell myself to just let it go. One day before our game he came up to me while I was alone and started insulting me and swearing at me. My only defence was to stand up for myself and tell him what I thought, I pinned hi m against the wall and told him how bullying people isn’t gonna make himself feel better and that he should stop immediately. After that day, he never bugged me again and that act of courage changed my life for the better. Courage is a necessity to the evolution of our people. Without courage, African-Americans would still be stuck I’m slavery. There would be no one there to fight for the rights of the people we now consider equals. Courage can be found I’m various forms. Courage is the only thing that gets us through the hard times, and the tempting opportunities. Courage is vital to the evolution of the human population. It os also an essential quality to becoming a successful person.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

A Study Of The Superiority Of Man Over The Environment As Depicted In Never Cry Wolf

A Study Of The Superiority Of Man Over The Environment As Depicted In Never Cry Wolf Man over Nature? In Never Cry Wolf Ootek tells Farley a legend that links man, wolves, and caribou in a perfectly balanced, continuos, natural cycle. Nevertheless, the whole novel uncovers the sad truth that man has altered this unique cycle and its own denial of it threatens to destroy it. This theme, suggests the idea that man, although being a part of nature, has abused the power that was granted to him only to have a better life at the expense of other living beings. In Ooteks tale, man is clearly referred as a superior being who plays the main role in nature. For example, the woman in the story and her sons, which in a way represent humanity, are given the caribou as a gift from the gods, a gift that would supply all their needs. so the sons of the Woman hunted well, and they were fed and clothed and had good skins to live in, all from the caribou (Mowat 84). In the same way, nature has provided humanity entirely with all its needs in a way where it can coexist harmonically with the living things around it. People, in a somewhat self-centric way, have viciously transformed the natural world for their own good in order to supply themselves with superficial things. Nevertheless, though hominids basically make nature work for their profit, they too form a part of it. On the other hand, man has surpassed its use of nature and has begun to destroy the delicate cycle it forms. No one can deny, how civilization has basically stripped jungles, polluted air and water, exterminated species and contaminated the land. The human beings have lost complete respect for nature and will probably have to face the consequences. It is incongruent to think that exploiting a planet will not end up harming all the living things that coexist together in it. In Never Cry Wolf, hunters face the problem of having few caribou to hunt. They immediately blame the wolves of being monstrous and obnoxious beats who savagely devour deer, and never stop to consider the possibility that this problem might be caused by their own addiction to make money by over killing animals. my predecessor supplied the Minister with an explanation of this situation in which it was his contention that there were fewer deer because the hunters had increased to the point where they outnumbered the deer about five to one. He was promptly shouted down by Members howling Liar! and Wolf-lover! (Mowat 9) The hunters in the story also lost respect for nature and the vital role the wolf plays in the life of the caribou. They decide to exterminate it. Slowly but surely, the lack of wolves will alter the caribou-wolf cycle by allowing the caribou population to grow weak and sick; this will eventually have repercussions on man himself. It could now be concluded, that man, as well as the hunters in Never Cry Wolf, have abused nature and have not tried to give something back by contributing to the circle of life. Because the discrimination against wolves, it cause an extensive rumor, numerous rumors, and several lies. Evidently the denial of this situation will soon backfire on man. This would bring out the question: why can man not look over his shoulder and care for others if this means caring for himself? It is now up to the future generations to become responsible for nature and give something back for all it has been taken from it.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

On a specific documentary called Two Towns of Jasper - Image Ethics Essay

On a specific documentary called Two Towns of Jasper - Image Ethics - Essay Example The film has however tried to bridge the gap by displaying images to illustrate the widening difference and discrimination between blacks and whites. This paper therefore seeks to explore the image ethics that emerge in Two Towns of Jasper. The paper will also illustrate how the film makers approach and understand their various obligations and responsibilities to their viewers, to those who are featured in the film, to their profession as well as to themselves. Reference is made to the Moral Rights of Subjects in Photographs, Film, and Television by Katz, Gross and Ruby via analyzing Two Towns of Jasper, a documentary film. There are significant ethical issues and concerns that are provoked by the William and Whitney in the film â€Å"Two Towns of Jasper.† These issues arose where the white and black subjects used in the film were affected by the nature of the images displayed to the viewers. Therefore the two filmmakers made ethical considerations that took care of the rights of the subjects as well as those of the viewers of the film or television. The film, â€Å"Two Towns of Jasper,† observes the moral rights of those appearing in it as the subjects. However, the film has been criticized that it presents fake images of the subjects that are somehow embarrassing and intrusive to both the viewers and the film subjects. Some of the image ethics that raise concerns in the â€Å"Two Towns of Jasper† and the documentary include the situation in which the subjects were portrayed in a false light. It appears to the viewers that the subjects may have failed to secure a consent that is completely informed and therefore their images were appropriated. In this film, â€Å"Two Towns of Jasper,† the groups of minority and individuals were represented accurately and fairly. Williams and Whitney observed the peculiar moral obligations of the subjects in the film. This is a clear indication that the filmmakers understand their obligations and res ponsibilities to the subjects as well as to their viewers. By respecting the moral rights and observing image ethics when making the film, it shows that the filmmakers clearly understand well the role of their profession. From my review of the film, â€Å"Two Towns of Jasper,† the concerns and issues of image ethics that are exhibited is the journalistic integrity threat that is probably posed by the software visual editing used by the filmmakers. The type of images displayed in the film also raises concern as they appear so uncertain to the viewers. The minority group is also not presented in an appealing manner which may raise ethical questions among the viewers. It also appears in the film that there has been an erosion of civility and privacy of the minority group, the blacks, in the film. However, the book, â€Å"Moral Rights of Subjects in Photographs, Film, and Television† by Katz, Gross and Ruby, has elaborated these ethical concerns as a breach to the privacy and rights of the subjects. The mentioned authors have also amplified the qualms of image ethics as mistakes committed in darkroom of electronics. The issues of image ethics in the film add to the continuous visual development studies. The anthology in the film, â€Å"Two Towns of Jasper,† has reached into perspectives and discipline beyond any criticism and considers the dilemmas in the visual presentations. Additionally, the filmmakers, Williams and Whitney, have taken into consideration the challenge of observing, to

Monday, October 7, 2019

Choose an environmental topic, analyse the message about the issue Essay

Choose an environmental topic, analyse the message about the issue that is being constructed in the media source you have selected - Essay Example Such a broadened understanding in turn helps in effective policy formulation and resolve issues in an amicable manner. The depiction of environmental issues by the media has increased significantly, over the last couple of decades. Various environmental groups as well as government departments have been relying on the media heavily, for promotion of their self-interests as well as for raising awareness regarding the depletion of sources and encouraging the public to support their cause. Such an alliance of the media and the environmental groups / and or other groups endorsing environmental issues; often raises significant issues related to government policy formulation, risk to public life, etc. among others. This paper aims to study and analyze the issue of â€Å"oil sands pollution† in Canadian waterways as represented by the Canadian print media – especially the newspapers. For this purpose articles from some select newspapers such as The Globe and Mail, Edmonton Journal, The Gazette, and The Vancouver Sun are chosen for analysis. Dryzek has identified several discourses associated with environmental problems such as - Survivalism, Environmental problem solving, Sustainability, Green radicalism, Administrative rationalism, Democratic pragmatism, Economic rationalism and Sustainable development. The articles discussed below, will seek to identify and analyze some such discourses and assess their relevance and impact, generated by the print media. In this article the writer has discussed about the rising level of pollution around the Athabasca River and its tributaries on account of emissions from oil sands. In order to lend credibility to the arguments presented in the article the writer has included a research paper presenting contradictory views of the energy industry and the Alberta government regarding the underlying causes of this issue. The writer has directed