Monday, September 30, 2019

Purity in its Sense Essay

Puritans have established a very conservative culture that seeks to impose on its believers a way of life that strictly adheres to God’s biblical laws. Small mistakes are virtuously corrected but a sin such as adultery merits the disdain of the whole community. Despite the Puritan principle that one must continually cleanse himself through following the rules of conduct that society has structured, it has not taken into consideration that forgiveness is a strong dictate of God in order for one to truly deserve his kingdom.   Senseless yet purifying are the morals of Puritans even for men and women who had gone astray.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the book, The Scarlett Letter, its author, Nathaniel Hawthorne, sought to show the foolishness of Puritans to follow God’s laws while the community is prone to misjudgments on people’s characters. It has led to their minister’s, Arthur Dimmesdale’s, hypocrisy in dealing with his own fear of being ostracized by society. This social stigma has also brought forth Roger Chillingworth’s idea of revenge against the preacher and his wife as he tries to do so without embarrassing himself as a man fooled by Hester. It has condemned Hester Prynne to a life of misery and shame because of her adulterous relationship with a man whose identity was hidden from the public. It has likewise shunned her daughter, Pearl, and given harsh scrutiny to the actions of such an innocent child. These misjudgments were all part of the author’s critique of how Puritans can blindingly follow a very â€Å"moral† life when it actually pushes people towards immorality.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dimmesdale hid behind the cloak of his position in society to avoid the social injustices that he would have gotten if he honestly proclaimed his wrong acts. Arthur Dimmesdale was highly revered by everyone because of his ministry of humility and kindness.   However, the Puritans were so blinded by his stature and seemingly wise image that they could not understand that he was actually giving his sermons based on his own dealings with sin. Instead of revealing the truth, he had succumbed to the mental torture of his guilt.   He was driven to punish himself privately to endure the mask that he had created to avoid being outcasted. The moral code of Puritans had turned him into a prisoner of his own secrets.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although the author lacked enough description of the town’s reaction to Dimmesdale’s revelation of his immoral mistakes, readers are still led to believe that Puritans did not have any discrimination on one’s gender when sin was the topic.   The first chapters of the novel were explicit in showing how the people were thirsting for Hester’s revelation as to who was her lover and that all were waiting to give their own judgments on the mysterious person. There were many instances wherein the people had asked for her lover’s name so that he shall also share Hester’s punishment. The scarlett letter on Hester’s clothing is proof that the community disdains not only her act of infidelity but also her loyalty to a co-sinner by not divulging his identity publicly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, Dimmesdale still seems to have gotten a lighter treatment from society because his declaration of the truth was still twisted by some people at the end of the story.   Instead of getting angry, the shocked community had different views on what had transpired and were focused on explaining Dimmesdale’s death instead of his immoral acts.   These may probably be because he was well-respected and had already passed away and not because he was male. It is very ironical that he, the preacher, became free to be happy only when he was able to finally declare the truth which released him from the confining binds of a Puritan society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Roger Chillington decided to avoid the Puritan society’s condescension by hiding his true personality in the guise of a doctor instead of a husband seeking revenge on his unfaithful wife and her lover. Although his embarrassment really did not have anything to do with his own wrongdoing, it drove him to seek revenge deceitfully and thus pushed him to immoral acts too. There is also the probability that Puritan culture was so conservative that a man of knowledge such as he felt tied down in his thirst for information that could further his career. Instead of criticizing a husband’s intentional abandonment of his wife in pursuit of something earthly such as knowledge, the community absolved him by the sheer adulterous act of Hester.   This may seem that in some principles, the Puritan society can actually be more biased when it comes to the male gender.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Despite society’s burning scrutiny of Hester because of her mistake, she seems to show that her grasp of God’s love is clearer compared to those who have condemned her. Shunned as one who does not know how to obey God’s will, people looked down at her and tended to view her as a sinner who did not understand what God was asking of her.   Her reflections throughout the story show how much she has taken each embarrassing glance and condescending remark as her way of penance to purify herself in the eyes of God. The strength of her own faith was able to make her endure all that society had to spit on her shamelessly. In embracing the true teachings of a Puritan life, she was able to recognize her daughter, Pearl, as a unique gift from her God that could help achieve her happiness despite society’s snub. Despite her mistakes, she was able to rely on God’s teachings to pursue a selfless life of serving her daughter and others through kind acts of charity instead of giving in to the temptation to join a cult that would go against her Puritan community. She had a better grasp of what it meant to be a Puritan compared to all of those who were busy adhering to every rule of their society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Pearl was the subject of intense hatred because she was the symbol of the immoral deeds of her parents. Puritans, despite their profession of love for God, had forgotten that Pearl was innocent of any of the crimes committed by her father and mother.   The child was seen as wild in the eyes of the community and they were bent on separating her from Hester because she needed to be protected from her mother’s seemingly twisted view of faith. The Puritans took it upon themselves to decide upon the lives of Hester and Pearl making it look like it was their moral obligation to ensure that Pearl learned their faith better.   The community’s judgmental nature showed that they were willing to play god in the life of a guiltless child but it was the girl’s unique and powerful innocence that drove both her parents to strive for atonement for their previous sins. The Puritans perceived Pearl as the bad fruit of sin but it was this child that made Hester tightly hold on to her faith despite the odds against them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Puritans strived so hard to maintain clean souls by taking very conservative principles based on their Christian beliefs. However, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel totally criticized this aspect of Puritan life by showing how the lack of understanding of their faith has led them to misjudge sinners instead of truly showing compassion as Christ did when He was alive. The author attacks the Puritan culture’s sense of propriety by showing how real sinners can actually be more devoted to preserving God’s will on earth.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Automobile Industry History Essay

You are here: Home †º World Industries †º Auto Industry †º Auto Industry | Automobile Industry | Car Industry Auto Industry | Automobile Industry | Car Industry. Automobile Industry History : In the year 1769, a French engineer by the name of Nicolas J. Cugnot invented the first automobile to run on roads. This automobile, in fact, was a self-powered, three-wheeled, military tractor that made the use of a steam engine. The range of the automobile, however, was very brief and at the most, it could only run at a stretch for fifteen minutes. In addition, these automobiles were not fit for the roads as the steam engines made them very heavy and large, and required ample starting time. Oliver Evans was the first to design a steam engine driven automobile in the U.S. A Scotsman, Robert Anderson, was the first to invent an electric carriage between 1832 and 1839. However, Thomas Davenport of the U.S.A. and Scotsman Robert Davidson were amongst the first to invent more applicable automobiles, making use of non-rechargeable electric batteries in 1842. Development of roads made travelling comfortable and as a result, the short ranged, electric battery driven automobiles were no more the best option for travelling over longer distances. The Automobile Industry finally came of age with Henry Ford in 1914 for the bulk production of cars. This lead to the development of the industry and it first begun in the assembly lines of his car factory. The several methods adopted by Ford, made the new invention (that is, the car) popular amongst the rich as well as the masses. According the History of Automobile Industry US, dominated the automobile markets around the globe with no notable competitors. However, after the end of the Second World War in 1945, the Automobile Industry of other technologically advanced nations such as Japan and certain European nations gained momentum and within a very short period, beginning in the early 1980s, the U.S Automobile Industry was flooded with foreign automobile companies, especially those of Japan and Germany. The current trends of the Global Automobile Industry reveal that in the developed countries the Automobile Industries are stagnating as a result of the drooping car markets, whereas the Automobile Industry in the developing nations, such as, India and Brazil, have been consistently registering higher growth rates every passing year for their flourishing domestic automobile markets. Those who are interested in gathering more information about the Automobile Industry, may browse through the following links :

Friday, September 27, 2019

Systems and operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Systems and operations Management - Essay Example While a substantial part of the reporting and operational requirements of Atokowa is currently being addressed by the system, the strain of expansion would only exacerbate the situation. If the expansion initiative of Custom Print and the Online Ordering strategy is suspended the growth of Atokowa will be stunted and its spiral decline will commence because the current difficulties in the system will only feed on itself. The initiatives of George Hargreaves and Hayley Atokowa will diversify the revenue stream of Atokowa and at the same time expand the market while widening the client demography of Atokowa. However, implementing it at this time will only triple if not double the operational problems of Atokowa implementing it after the completion of an Enterprise Resource Planning Solution roll-out would be ideal if not the best. ... tokowa brands and Customer Survey 17 References/Bibliography 17 Introduction Atokawa Advantage was founded in 1964 by the father of Jonathan Atokowa from whom he took over the reign of the company. Under the leadership of Jonathan, Atokowa has expanded to several stores all around Australia catering mostly to individual and business customers in and around the locality where Atokowa stores is at. This paper would present the analysis of the operation of Atokowa to determine challenge areas, improvement areas and growth areas. The purpose of the analysis is to recommend solutions that will enable Atokowa to resolve its current issues if there are any and respond to the demands of the ever changing market landscape in the stationary and office supply retail industry. This report shall first present the result of the analysis conducted on the operation of Atokowa that will define in detail the analysis of focus areas. After the analysis of the focus areas an assessment of the focus area shall be concluded for purposes of recommending possible solutions to the challenges posed in the focus area. Due to constraints this paper shall only present the observations in the analysis and not the process in which the analysis was conducted and the observation was arrived at. In summary the analysis in the operation of the focus areas shall be provided in seriatim as it was presented in the report. The conclusion or assessment shall follow afterwards then the recommendations that should be undertaken by the management of Atokowa to resolve its current challenges. Please note that this paper shall only focus on the technological solutions to resolve the operational and management challenges of Atokowa. Analysis of Current Systems and Operations The following focus areas were

Foreign Newspaper Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Foreign Newspaper Report - Research Paper Example I choose the article â€Å"World economy on verge of new jobs crash and bigger recession on the way† and â€Å"Corrupt nation holding a gun, to a just as corrupted EU head's† on which the report will focus (Smith 4). There is a specific theoretical framework that I am on familiar terms with, which journalists make their analysis. This particular theoretical framework is the title of the articles the journalists use for their analysis. When the journalists write the title, they already show the readers what side of the story they have taken and will concentrate on portraying it that way. The journalists ponder and develop their thoughts and facts on what the possible reactions would come from the topic of the article. The journalists take the thoughts that are related in one way or another to the topic of the article and put them in a group of themes that frame the story in the article as a whole (Heiss 3). There are a number of elements apart from the theoretical framew ork that are made out or which can be applied on the articles chosen. The newspaper articles utilize the 5w’s which stand for who, what, where, when, etcetera in the first paragraph through to the second paragraph. The Journalist of the articles chosen, utilize a number of a lot of paragraphs that are short and to the point instead of long paragraphs because if the readers see long paragraphs a majority may not likely read the article. The articles start with a new paragraph every time a novel quote is appended or novel information is put in, add interest to article, and supports the story.. The articles have creative headlines with large fonts that grab the attention of readers and relates soundly to the topic. The articles have a byline, which provides the name of the writer. The articles chosen have a lead sentence that is used to capture the attention of readers, as well as sums up the focal point of the lead. The lead sentence in these articles recognizes the subject, la ys down the tone, as well as guiding the reader to reading the articles. The newspaper articles chosen are chronological, cause and effect, classification, list, and inquire and answer questions relating to the topic (Smith 6). Global finance and corruption are international issues that are important to the UK. Global finance is important to the UK because it directs how business will be carried out in the entire United Kingdom. Global finance enables the UK to know where it stands and lets it to make sound economic decisions that favor the country by studying and evaluating the economic trends in other countries worldwide with which they do business with as a whole. Corruption is important to the UK because corruption affects the country as a whole, it undermines political development, democracy, economic development, the environment, peoples health and others (Heiss 5). The likely implications of global finance and corruption that global finance enable a country to grow and be abl e to develop because of the information that global finance holds. This is because sometimes the global community influences how a country makes its fiscal decisions for it to be able to triumph and make sound decisions for the country as a whole. The implications for corruption is that corruptions make a country to lower its development as a country in a number of ways, which degrades the country and makes the country poor,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Internal and External Pay Equity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Internal and External Pay Equity - Research Paper Example The equity theory states that the wages of the employee must match the job standards and the labor market (Dreher & Dougherty 2002). The managers hence believe that if they fail to match the wages wit the rest of the industry, chances are the best qualified employees will migrate to the rest companies that are paying better. The company that pays lowly will also not attract qualified people. This implies that incompetent personnel will be guiding the company which is translated as a management failure. According to Dreher & Dougherty (2002) matching the pay to the overall industry pay roll or the value of the job plays a great role in ensuring the satisfaction of the employee. This is because the morale of the employee is boosted when the relative wage that he or she is being paid is equal to the skills and abilities that he or she provides. When the image of a company is recognized, the employee feel appreciated, and works effectively to ensure the same level is either maintained or pushed to higher standards. According to the article, the only better way to ensure the best and qualified personnel are maintained in a business or company is by ensuring that their pay checks match those of their colleagues or the value of the job they are carrying out. The consequence of ignoring this is losing them to other companies and risking the operations of the company. Remuneration is termed the best motivation an employee

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Instructions for Term Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Instructions for Term Paper - Assignment Example The bill was only a show of political fantasy. In fact, the bill was ironical since the abortion rates have dropped by 13 percent for the last decade. If their intentions were to reduce abortion, they should instead campaign for the increase of birth control pills. An exception to the bill would be for abortions that result from rape pregnancies. In his conclusion, the author states there are more to attend to than dwell on useless politics. Throughout the article, the author uses both facts and opinions. He, for example, makes an opinion when he says the Republican members are making up wars they cannot win. He emphasizes that the country’s growth will remain stagnant until when the GOP leaders and ideologues will upgrade their thinking and understanding. Additionally, he points out that the bill was nothing more than an act of fantasy. The author also uses facts in the article. According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), he says the abortion rate reduced by 13 percent between 2002 and 2011. In an effort to substantiate the reduction in abortions, he states that there have been few instances of unwanted pregnancies (Robinson). The CDC also reports that only about 1.4 percent abortions are carried out after 20 weeks. As he states, it is also a fact that the bill would have several obstacles before becoming law. The Republicans would need a considerable backup from the Democrats, and the presi dent would also have to veto the measure (Robinson). The author is more of a libertarian than a conservative. He insists that the nation is in economic recovery and everyone needs to address its infrastructure and competitiveness. He says that the nation faces several challenges such as global warming and terrorism that the government must take actions to avert. The author’s sentiments make him seem inclined to the Democrats camp. He says the bill was an act of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Spirituality,Religion,and Social Work Research Paper

Spirituality,Religion,and Social Work - Research Paper Example The relationship between religion, spirituality and social work, however, is not a recent phenomenon, but in fact has existed historically and share a consistent relationship. Such a positive and co-dependent relationship between religion, spirituality and social work, can be attributed to the Postmodernist society we live in today, where there has been a steady and systematic increase in the introduction of new social work policies, which assimilate religion and spirituality; and where the social workers, are known to have a more positive approach towards the inclusion of religion and spirituality within the spheres of social work. There have been various studies which have documented the effect, introduction, assimilation and impact of religion and spirituality within the domains of social work (Furman, Benson, Canda, & Grimwood, 2005; Sheridan & Amato-Von Hemert, 1999; Sheridan, Bullis, Adcock, Berlin, & Miller, 1992). This paper, discusses the various signifcance of the problem, and the impact of such an inclusion on social work and workers. Definition and Meaning of Terms: Religion and Spirituality These terms are defined in various ways by different authors, and research literature on the subject implies that there is no one clear or specific definition for either of these terms. Hence defining the terms in a precise manner has been a challenging task for the authors, since it encompasses a wide area of subjects and concepts. However for the purpose of this study, a general and commonly used definition is taken into consideration. Spirituality is defined as: "a complex, intrapsychic dimension of human development† (Derezotes, 1995, p.1) â€Å"the relationship of the human person to something or someone who transcends themselves† (Bullis, 1996, p. 2), â€Å"devotion to the immaterial part of humanity and nature† (Barker, 1995, p. 363), â€Å"the human search for purpose and meaning of life experiences† (Sheridan & Amato-von Hemer t, 1999, p. 129), â€Å"a relationship to force greater than oneself† (Netting, Thibault & Ellor, 1990), and â€Å"the essence of the individual† (Carroll, 1997, p. 27), or â€Å"one’s basic nature† (Carroll, 1998, p. 2). Religion on the other hand is defined as: â€Å"the external de?nition of faith† (Joseph, 1988, p. 444), â€Å"a search for the signi?cant in ways related to the sacred† (Pargament, 2002, p. 169), â€Å"an organized set of beliefs and practices of a faith community† (Furman & Chandy, 1994, p. 21), â€Å"believing† (Gotterer, 2001, p. 188), and the â€Å"acceptance of a particular set of beliefs and ethics† (Cascio, 1998, p. 524). Thus, the definitions of spirituality and religion in general, are more or less focused on the general meaning of the terms and the areas it encompasses. There is however a subtle difference between the two, as observed from the literature. The concept of spirituality may also include a special reference to the relationship between individuals, the environment to which they belong, their traditions, customs or heritage or any higher power in which they believe (Canda, 1988; Dudley & Helfgott, 1990; Furman, Benson, Canda, & Grimwood, 2005; Joseph, 1988; Krieglstein, 2006; Hodge & McGraw, 2006). Religion on the other hand, is comparatively a narrow term, albeit more structured with regard to the beliefs, or rules followed by a community or an organization. However, there is a slight difference of opinion among various researchers and practitioners with regard to the difference between the two terms while yet others do not believe in such differences. According to some religion is more focused on communities while spirituality is an individual thing, while yet others question the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Ancient India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ancient India - Essay Example In this section, the chapter looks at the distinctive features of the class system, which Aryans people introduced. It also examines the effects of the class system on the Indian civilization. In addition, the chapter discusses various religions found in India and their assumption regarding life. Specifically, the chapter looks at Brahmanism and Buddhism by highlighting their differences. The section also discusses how these religions influenced the Indian civilization. Additionally, the chapter discusses India after the Mauryas by looking at the rule of fishes. In this section, it tries to answer and examine why India was unable to maintain a unified empire in the first millennium BCE. Similarly, the section highlights reasons making Mauryan Empire to overcome temporary tendencies towards disunity of India. Lastly, the chapter discusses the exuberant world of Indian culture. It achieves this through outlining ways in which ancient India culture is similar and different from the cultural experience of ancient Egypt and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Netsuite customer relationship management for the Banking Sector Essay Example for Free

Netsuite customer relationship management for the Banking Sector Essay NetSuite is the worlds leading provider of on-demand business application software combining accounting and enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM) and  ecommerce capabilities in a completely integrated solution. With over 12,000 customers globally, NetSuite companies are enabled to manage all key business operations uniting departments, automating processes and gaining unparalleled insight into their business. Netsuite is built around a single customer record, so all areas of the business; sales, support, accounting, distribution, shipping and billing, use the same information for every interaction. Because NetSuite gives vital business intelligence in real time, businesses can make informed decisions faster. Deliver better business management powerful real-time, customisable dashboards, NetSuite business management software gives managers and employees the functionality, information and tools they need to manage their entire business better and streamline operations. Eliminate data re-entry because NetSuite software is built on a single record for every aspect of business, theres no need to waste time re-inputting data into separate systems. Eliminate IT maintenance and upgrade costs NetSuite is cloud-based, business management software with a 99.5% uptime guarantee. This gives greater reliability and security while eliminating the need for on-site hardware and software. Make better decisions faster NetSuite business management software gives real-time business intelligence dashboards for any and every aspect of the organisation from leads, commissions, sales revenue and forecasts to bank balances, receivable and payable anywhere and anytime. Increase collaboration NetSuite SaaS offers portals that allow customers, partners and vendors to collaborate allowing organisations to get closer to customers and partners, move quickly and seize opportunities.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Creative writing Essay Example for Free

Creative writing Essay On Writing by Stephen King is a memoir of the craft of the job as a published author, mainly aimed toward the aspiring ones. The book is divided up into three sections. The first section titled C. V. was all authentic glimpses into King’s life and featured interesting little episodes that King considered his ‘life lessons’ or things that sparked his sense of humor. It also provided a very important part in the basic aspects of being a good writer: King grew up loving to read and read frequently. He started writing and submitting his work at an early age and that’s where C. V. paints the picture of a real-life struggling novelist: how he had to work at several different crummy, though nevertheless interesting, and inspiring book setting jobs while supporting a family, a drug habit, and a fairly large and fairly flawed manuscript. The second section was titled On Writing, a section I found the most interesting and identified the most with as part of being both an aspiring author and a curious one. In this portion of the memoir of the craft, King gives you, flat-out but not in a patronizing tone, what you need to succeed as a decent writer. The best way to summarize how I felt about the section as a whole is this: when he revealed that he taught high school English for several years before the success of Carrie, I was desperately jealous of those students. But at the end of the day, I suppose any reader that is interested enough in King could always be his student by picking up book after book of his and becoming transfixed by his material and intelligence from cover to cover. Lastly, there’s the last section of the book, where King explores his painful memories of the accident from when an oblivious man in a blue van literally ran King over during one of his notorious thought-processing walks. The man, in attempt to calm down his Rottweiler’s in the backseat, veered off road and took King clear off his feet. This section of the book is about that and his slow road to recovery. It literally wrenched my heart when he talked of his wife setting up a table in the stuffy hall that he sat at to write for the first time. It was obvious that writing is more than just a business occupation and it becomes obvious in this section that King has a true passion for the craft. Despite it being far from the definitive writer’s guideline, this book takes on a unique perspective on creative writing spectrum. King lays down the law and then he teaches it, essentially. He shares his techniques, his pet peeves, and his own personal horrific experiences both as child and adult and he does it all within the defined space of what all he can say on a printed page. And he does it well. He constructs a personal ending with tragedy, growth, and experience within a tight covering of his famous storytelling style. And overall, I think Stephen King wrote this simply because he could. He knew it is a select audience that is going to read it and those fans who don’t ever care to be writers won’t read this book. Maybe I’m wrong and they might with the mindset that they might gain some secret insight into the mind of their idol and let me just tell you firsthand if that is the case, they will be disappointed. In not so many words, King says exactly the same thing himself. â€Å"There is no secret to my storytelling. It just is what it is. As true as I can say it, it’s just a lot of hard work, dedication, time, and exceled patience. All of which, I had to learn on my own,† King writes. Lastly, in the heart of the book, in the section On Writing, King writes, â€Å"Now comes the big question: What are you going to write about? And the equally big answer: Anything you damn well want. Anything at all as long as you tell the truth. Your truth. † That’s the biggest lesson I took away from this. But there is more, believe it or not. You can tell it from his writing. And before he gets to the end, King goes ahead and lets the cat out of the bag when he is writing about beginning again after his debilitating accident. He writes, â€Å"I feel that buzz of happiness, that sense of having found the right words and put them in a line. It’s like lifting off in an airplane: you’re on the ground, on the ground, on the ground and then you’re up, riding on a magical cushion of air and prince of all you survey. That makes me happy because it’s what I was made to do. † As a human, I was touched by his childhood anecdotes and often laughed with him about his insecurities. I am still in awe at what he has recently had to overcome physically. But as a writer, I am grateful for a brief glimpse into his vocational, bright burning world. I gained confidence from learning about things I have been doing right and have changed many bad habits or wrongdoings I’d been screwing up on obliviously the entire time because sometimes the coldest hands to wrap around your neck are the true ones. The only bad thing I can say about this book is that it’s too short, something one rarely has the opportunity to state regarding the beloved author. And a huge thank you goes to the beloved author himself Stephen King for a brief indulgence into the life of a genius storyteller.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Life Changing Experience Essay

Life Changing Experience Essay As we entered my grandmothers house one evening, usually greeted by a joyous hello from my grandmother, that evening we were greeted only by an Erie silence. As we cautiously proceeded to venture deeper into the abnormally quiet house, searching every room eagerly for my grandmother our innocent curiously was abruptly and violently shuttered by a horrifying shriek from my grandmother, as she fail to her knees gasping for air, clawing franticly at her chest, fighting to survive a merciless heart attack. Even though that moment occurred more than ten years ago still my mind is troubled by the terror of that day. None the less it was a moment that would forever change my life. As we slowly moved into the living room, a distressing sight met our eyes. Lying face down on a couch, my grandma lied red-faced and shaken. Suddenly, she was gulping for air. First, she grabbed a trash can, plunged her face into it and vomited with such violence that I was enveloped in a cold dark fear, feeling far to cruel for any child to face. Still at seven years old, I faced the terror of a heart attack in my house, and I experienced, for the first time, the reality that I could loose the person closest to me. After a while she looked at me from the corner of her eye as she raised her head from the trash can and forced out a feeble, Hi, only to vomit again while missing the trash can. My uncle looked at me in my watery eyes, put his hand on my back, and said, Let your grandma rest; she has been fighting bold and tough. My grandma, the love of my life, was now fighting to survive, everyday of her life. After the doctors said that she only has few weeks to live. I began to worry, the thought of growing up without a grandmother began to press down on my shoulder and loneliness began to over take me. I always felt disassociated from my peers. In elementary and middle school I was quiet, shy, and lonesome. I dread all human affection so much that I could not even look in the eyes of people who spoke to me. All the kids in school called me a bum, and I became an easy target for bullying. Soon after the bullying and depression started my grades began to diminish, and as my grade diminished so did my confidence, but it also made me feel that I had disappointed my grandmother, who cared so much about academics when she was healthy. I was humbled with every report card I showed her, knowing that she is disappointed. One day, I decided that I am going to change my life. Listening to other students stories of how well they do in school, I recalled my uncles words: Let your grandma rest; she has been fighting bold and tough. I then realized that the example of how to change my life had been ahead of me the entire time. My grandma had fought and struggled to survive her heart attack. By fighting it and surviving to live another day with her family, she had taught me in a clear way that I should never give up and that I could pass any barriers, so that I could create a better life for myself. I shaped my mind so that I would face the world bold and tough, and I would put off the tension, which had constrained my personality. I decided to shine as a student, and to improve my grades, and my talent with a moving passion. I decided to have no more delays, no more fear, and most importantly, I have decided that not to give up. More than any other turning point I have approached, I am proud of my success in knocking over my shyness. In ninth grade, I made the decision to join ESL, which would urge me to talk frequently with my classmates. I knew that my role as a student and class leader would teach me to speak confidently. My participation in this program worked and improved my character in a way I never thought possible. I now feel at ease among my peers. Last month I even hosted an event for the church, speaking comfortably in front of a large group. I am satisfied with the things I have changed in my life, and I owe the entire honor to my grandmother who has been by my side. Even as a bedridden heart patient, jolted by therapies, her example taught me to face challenges and to override them; no matter the nature of the challenge. Her struggle with heart attack became an example for me to improve myself. Even now, I continue to battle, swept with college exams. Despite the challenge, I continue unaffecte d, knowing that the best of my ability is my backbone to live bravely like my grandma and to overcome the challenges of life. I can never thank my grandma enough for what she has given me. My grandmother has become my role model. I hope that one day, many years from now she will say to me, I am proud of you my grandson; you have been fighting bold and tough.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Canada Essay -- Geography Canada Expository Essays

Canada Canada, is the world's second largest country and it is the largest country in the Western Hemisphere. It comprises all of the North American continent north of the United States, with the exclusion of Alaska, Greenland, and the tiny French islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon. Its most easterly point is Cape Spear, Newfoundland and its western limit is Mount St. Elias in the Yukon Territory, near the Alaskan border. The southernmost point is Middle Island, in Lake Erie and the northern tip is Cape Columbia, on Ellesmere Island. Canada is bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean, on the west by the pacific Ocean, and on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and its associated bodies of water, including Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea. Canada has an abundance of mineral, forest, and water-power resources. The mining industry has been a major force in Canada's economic development in the past and is still the main force in the advance and economic activity and permanent settlement into the northlands. The principal minerals are petroleum, nickel, copper, zinc, iron ore, natural gas, asbestos, molybdenum, sulfur, gold, and platinum; in addition extensive beds of coal, potash, uranium, gypsum, silver, and magnesium are found. Fresh water covers an estimated 756 276 sq km or 7.6% of Canada. The many rivers and lakes supply ample fresh water to meet the nation's needs for its communities and for irrigation, agriculture, industries, transportation, and hydroelectric power generation. Canada has four principal drainage basins: the Atlantic Basin which drains to the Atlantic Ocean by way of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River, the Hudson Bay Basin which drains northward into Hudson Bay via the Churchill, Nelson and Saskatchewan rivers, the Arctic Basin which is drained by the Mackenzie River and the Pacific Basin which drains into the Pacific Ocean via the Fraser, Yukon and Columbia rivers. Canada has six major physical, or physiographic, regions: the Canadian Shield, the Arctic Islands, the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands, the Appalachian Region, the Interior Plains, and the Cordilleran Region. In simple terms, Canada can be considered a vast, saucer-shaped basin, bordered by mountainous lands on the west, east, and northeast. Hudson Bay and the lowlands along its southern shore form the central depression of this... ... During the last 75 years, the Canadian economy has been transformed from on based primarily on agricultural production and the export of agricultural products and raw materials to one based primarily on its manufacturing and service sectors, as well as a mining sector of continuing importance. Canada's economy reflects an affluent high-tech industrial society and resembles the United States, with whom it has close economic ties. This is one reason why a large percentage of the population live by the U.S.-Canadian border. Another reason is because a large number of the manufacturing plants are located in the southern section of Canada. Canada is rich in natural resources. It is a world leader in value of mineral exports and produces and exports many of the mineral needed for modern industrial economies. It's soils which are especially rich in the three prairie provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, are intensively utilized and make Canada one of the world's largest exporters of agricultural products. Forests cover much of the land, and Canada is the world's largest exporter of newsprint and a leading supplier of lumber, pulp, paper, and wood products.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Faulkners Human Spirit Essay -- Authors

William Faulkner accepted his Nobel Peace Prize in December 1950. During his acceptance speech, Faulkner proclaimed that the award was made not to him as a man, but to his life’s work, which was created, â€Å"out of the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before.† (PF ) He felt that the modern writer had lost connection to his spirit and that he must reconnect with the universal truths of the heart—â€Å"love and honor and pity and pride and compassion and sacrifice.† (PF ) Through his characters voice and exposure of their spirit, Faulkner solidified man’s immortality by â€Å"lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past.†(PF ) Although some critics have characterized his work as violet, dealing with immoral themes and the miseries and brutality of life; it can be argued that even his most sad and dep raved characters express positive virtues and personal strengths, even if by a negative example. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the portrayal and manifestation of the human spirit in a select few of William Faulkner’s literary characters, showing that they possess both human strength and flaws. So what is the human spirit and why is it significant? It is a somewhat indefinable concept. According to Faulkner the human spirit is the connection to the universal truths of the heart—â€Å"love and honor and pity and pride and compassion and sacrifice.† (PF) But more than that, he was concerned with the idea that man had become oblivious to the problems of the spirit; that he lost his awareness of the inner struggle of heart in conflict with itself. The human spirit can also be described in terms of survi... ...., 1996. 209- 234. Utley, Francis L., Lynn Z. Bloom, and Arthur F. Kinney, eds. Bear, Man, and God: Eight Approaches to William Faulkner’s â€Å"The Bear.† New York: Random House, 1971. Volpe, Edmond L. A Reader’s Guide to William Faulkner. New York: Noonday Press, 1965. Waggoner, Hyatt H. William Faulkner: From Jefferson to the World. Lexington: Univ. Kentucky Press, 1959. Wagner, Linda W., ed. William Faulkner: Four Decades of Criticism. East Lansing, MI : Michigan State Univ. Press, 1973. 139 Warren, Robert Penn, ed. Faulkner : A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966. . â€Å"William Faulkner.† William Faulkner: Four Decades of Criticism. Linda W. Wagner, ed. East Lansing, MI: MSU Press, 1973. 94-109. Webb, James W. and A. Wigfal Green, eds. William Faulkner of Oxford. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Univ. Press, 1965.