Tuesday, December 31, 2019

How to Withdraw from a Class

While you know how to register for classes, knowing how to withdraw from a class can be a little more challenging. After all, your school probably didnt go over how to drop a class during orientation week; everyone is too busy planning and preparing for the start of a new semester. Sometimes, however, your awesome start-of-the-semester plans dont work out and you need to drop one or more classes. So just where do you begin? Talk to Your Academic Adviser Talking with your academic adviser is an absolute necessity, so start there. Be prepared, however; your adviser will likely want to ask you a few questions about why youre dropping and, if applicable, talk about whether or not you should drop the class. If you both decide that dropping the course is the best option, however, your adviser will have to sign off on your forms and approve the decision. He or she can also help you plan out how youre going to make up the course content and/or units that youll need to graduate. Talk to Your Professor You likely cant just drop the class without talking to the professor (even if theyre a bad one) or at least the TA. They are accountable for your progress in the class and for turning in your final grade at the end of the semester. Make an appointment or stop in during office hours to let your professor and/or TA know that youre dropping the class. If youve already talked to your academic adviser, the conversation should go pretty smoothly—and quickly. And given that youll likely need your professors signature on a form or approval to drop, this step is a requirement as well as a courtesy. Head to the Registrars Office Even if your academic adviser and your professor know that youre going to drop the class, you have to officially let your college know. Even if you can do everything online, check in with your registrar to make sure you have submitted everything they need and that youve submitted it on time. Additionally, follow-up to make sure everything goes through okay. While you may have submitted your materials, they may not have received them for whatever reason. You dont want your withdrawal to turn into a ​fail on your transcript, and its much easier to confirm now that your drop went through okay than it is to correct things in several months when you realize an error was made. Tie up Any Loose Ends Make sure to let any lab partners know that youve dropped the class, for example. Similarly, return any equipment you may have checked out and remove yourself from the list of students who have a music rehearsal space reserved on a rotation basis. You dont want to needlessly be using resources that other students need or, even worse, be charged for their use when you dont need them any longer.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Buffet Approach of Valuing Stock - 2755 Words

The Buffett Approach to Valuing Stocks Focusing on return on capital may be the key to investment success. By Steven R. Ferraro, CFA, PhD 2009 Volume 12 Issue 3 Much has been written about famed U.S. investor and Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett’s investment style and successes. Preeminent among these writings are the oft-cited Berkshire Hathaway shareholder letters, written by the â€Å"Oracle of Omaha† himself. These informative letters have been the basis for a multitude of books. But even with an abundance of available information on â€Å"how to invest like Warren Buffett,† it is apparent that something is lacking, how does Buffett determine an acceptable price for companies of interest? This article provides an example of the process†¦show more content†¦To get to that point, we will go through several steps that are explained in great detail in books by Buffett’s former daughter-in-law, Mary Buffett.[6][7] These steps are summarized below, with a few of my own adjustments to make the analysis more robust. We will use Eaton Corporation (ETN) as our sample firm because Buffett invested over $100 million in the diversified power management company in 2008. click image to view model Step 1, Gather the raw data and create the basic spreadsheet. In the accompanying valuation model, the historical accounting data for ETN are found in rows 11 through 19. Rows 11 through 16 contain the variables used by Mary Buffett in her Buffettology books. In columns N and O, the annual and cumulative growth rates for each variable are calculated. The remaining data are used as a sanity check. For example, if EPS growth exceeds that of the revenues and net income, it is likely that management is accelerating EPS growth by repurchasing shares. While ETN’s average annual EPS growth (11.03 percent) outpaces its revenue growth (8.87 percent), it does not exceed the growth rate of the net income (12.25 percent). This means that ETN has been issuing shares over the past 10 years, which is confirmed by noting the cumulative growth rate in shares outstanding (15.06 percent) in cell O14. Another relationship to keep an eye on is that between revenue growth and net income growth. For ETN, net income has outpaced revenue byShow MoreRelatedBerkshire Hathaway Phenomenon In the Context of Modern Finance Theory2608 Words   |  11 Pagespoint of view, (Roberg G, 2005) the only undesirable thing should be the possibility of harm. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Loyalty Marketing Free Essays

Customer Loyalty Program for Restaurants in a five Star Hotel: Customer marketing long since began when marketing practices started.   Loyalty marketing is not a new concept.   Best customers generate most profits an example was in the 50s when ‘mom pop stores look after its best customers. We will write a custom essay sample on Loyalty Marketing or any similar topic only for you Order Now    A good customer spends more than thirty percent and keeps coming back but worst customers are less loyal. Chris X. Moloney and Fred Reichheld noted that loyalty marketing has a new marketing discipline called â€Å"Customer Advocacy Marketing† (CAM).   This programme in marketing is strongly linked with loyalty and customer referral (Wikepedia). With the future, it seems that new technology can always be costly but it is a marketer’s friend.   Hence, technologies and techniques of the past in some tasks are most reliable and appropriate especially in the business of hospitality and restaurants particularly for tasks where attitudes and habits of consumers are difficult to change. I.   Customer Loyalty – its benefits The rapid advancement of technology, relations between the 21st century customer and supplier needs to be nurtured because of growing competition and new demands or high customers’ expectations.   Restaurant businesses grow faster than the rate of demand.   A business is building up then suddenly a new comer comes along.   For this reason, it made sense to nurture or retain regular good customers than to attract new ones. a. Long Term Profitability Marketing is supposed to contribute long term profitability into a business but competition is intense.   Now it is important to regard its effort in a changing marketplace. First of all we must check how a loyalty program fits an establishment, how can it continue to progress, and how to encourage future investment for its continuous development or its expansion? Customer Loyalty Program is only one aspect of the comprehensive marketing techniques but it is the central pillar of the plan.   In the article written by Randolph Hobler he noted that only 5% of the top 130 restaurants in the US have loyalty programs (Hobler).   Sixty percent of consumers go to restaurants with rewards program.   However, despite of the knowledge that a good loyalty program pays back from the very beginning; (example is the Tesco’s Club Card who makes money from day to day). Still, only twenty five percent of the National Restaurant Association in the U.S. used loyalty program. To attain this program data must be collected and from these data a study or an intelligent interpretation should be provided to have much clearer picture on the customer base.   Most of the program will have this question â€Å"When is the payback begun to happen?†Ã‚   For some it happens right away but in some it will depend on the circumstances. b. Customer Retention High performing companies retains customers and magnets other clients.   Businesses that retains its clients makes more money at lower cost than the one who constantly pays for advertisements just to invite new customers.   A loyal customer depends mainly on the good and sound practice of the business and its marketing schemes at all times.   Clients are normally easy to lose than to win. Retaining customers have simple principles:   know your clients and reward them. It is important to perform the following tasks: a. Study the peak-hour and plan to retain the number of customers at slow times. b. Make new menu items and take-out products c. Provide functions activities such as parties with specialty drinks d. Up-sell products like value meals e. Provide incentives and encourage secure registering and loading of cards f. Changing business operations for a greater profit must also be considered by creating an economic balance between getting the attention of customers and in giving them rewards. II. How to build customer loyalty – its factors Critical factors to built customer loyalty Market Size or Estimation This is a tool which gives very good guidelines to calculate market sizes reasonably of the member base who would receive loyalty programs or rewards. Trends and Forecast Trends means consumer behavior and spending patterns based on customer marketing initiatives and forecasts of future marketing campaigns. Best practices and Innovations Problems with loyalty programs and practices will be examined like issues and pitfalls, corporate values and visions including inconsistent messages to consumers, comparing loyalty rewards from competitors and finding out what does not work. Best Customer Marketing Access Pricing and Customer Lifetime Value As it implies, directing good customers since they bring the most profit.   Since pricing strategy is the key features in every business, best customers should have access to discounted pricing throughout its lifetime.   Customers may collect points on their purchase on a frequent or everyday basis measuring loyalty’s effect on the customer’s lifetime value. Essential data or business models can be used to analyze CLV calculations.  Ã‚   â€Å"The most important factor in consumer loyalty program is the price†(Weiss). Although it is important not all people buy because of the price but sometimes because of   loyalty to the brand. Customer loyalty and analysis – New tools We do not develop loyalty tools from scratch but examine newer tools used by the loyalty rewards program.   Some of them are:   The loyalty token – it is the bit of the program that members carry in order to have contact with the program.   An advantage of this is to link the transaction with the database however those data can be transmitted to and fro.   Why?   It is important to search the true value and function of a reward, its properties, getting the most of it, and the reward redemption process. Human Aspect of the Loyalty program The aspect of human loyalty is very important.   This is the cycle of customer – employee – shareholder/owner relationships.   These are actions and emotions that must satisfy every human condition.   This is also one way of keeping clients happy with a new policy since most of the time the front liners are the one who deals with customers closely and yet are the ones who are underpaid. Customer loyalty program for hotels, resorts and casinos One reason why restaurants in hotels are not expanding on its reward program is due to the fact that almost 50% of visitors do not belong to any loyalty program.   The business is still an untapped market.  Ã‚   For instance the use of wireless consoles to summon waiters, loyalty programs with personalize services such as greeting the customer by the name and   seats the client at their favorite table with his usual drink etc.. Technologies are also employed to hasten meal preparations. The future of loyalty as what experts thinks: The best way of looking into the future is to examine what happened in the past and from that make a projection.   Though it is hard to make expectations because sometimes things happen when you least expect it. The trend for globalization will have two distinctive effects. One, there will be no division in the international border.   We will have a global macro-regional system as opposed to centralized system we have today.  Ã‚   Second, worldwide trend on customer loyalty will be more difficult to develop because of the ever changing consumer values. (Trend). The future is here today. It would be to the disadvantage of new marketers of today if they would not embrace the new technologies. We are expected to see in the future more sophisticated innovations and consumers will expect more points to buy items which ordinarily are out of reach.   Marketers who will not embrace this change will be at the least advantage state. Since the opening of Scala’s Bistro in 1995 a culinary of French and Italian countryside, the restaurants focused on list of primarily California and Italian selections of wine along with few French varietals.   Scala offers 10-15 choices by the glass and 150 selections by the bottle.   The restaurants serve culinary delights of both Italy and France; fresh local vegetables combine to a rustic innovative menu.   It has offered 18% of gratuity to parties of more than six.   One can be found at 432 Powell Street, San Francisco, CA. or search the web to find out comments of its satisfied customers. References: Hobler, Randolph. â€Å"Late to the Table.† 2006. Trend, Herman. â€Å"The Future of Customer Loyalty â€Å", 2007. Weiss, Allen. â€Å"Is Price *Really* the Most Important Factor in Consumer Loyalty?† 2007. Wikepedia. â€Å"Loyalty Marketing.† 2007. How to cite Loyalty Marketing, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Parenting Styles and Child Behavior free essay sample

Meanwhile, authoritarian style is demanding but not nurturing (Cherry, 201 AAA). As for laissez fair style, parents find it easier to avoid providing guidance and discipline for their children, they tend to give their child the freedom to do anything (Murray, 201 1). Authoritative parenting style is the most democratic parenting style among the other types of parenting styles (Cherry, Bibb). According to experts, if you wish to raise a self-reliant, pleasant and a well- behaved child, then authoritative parenting style is the one.Authoritative parents will set rules and guidelines that they expect their children to follow but they also know the importance of having some flexibility in coaching their hillier. These parents will be in control but never too controlling in their upbringing of their children (Demand Media, 2011 Authoritative parents will explain to their children the reasons for the rules that they set and if the children misbehaves, they would reason with them rather than punish them (Dewar, 2010). For example, an authoritative parent will explain to the child that snacks are allowed in moderation but it is not very healthy even though it is tasty (Demand Media, 2011). If the child fails to meet the expectations that is set, these parents will be more nurturing and forgiving as they do not live in punishment (Cherry, 201 b). Authoritative parents are also not afraid of expressing love and affection to their children and they know that their expressions of emotion will not affect their ability to discipline their children (Demand Media, 2011). Furthermore, parents who for this type of parenting style will offer their children a lot of emotional support (Dewar, 2010). When parents are there for their children, parents are able to protect their children from developing socializing problems and when children are more open about the way they feel, the children are able to become better mind readers (Dewar, 2010). Authoritative parents are also more involved with their children because they are more responsive towards their child and they are willing to listen to questions that their children oppose (Cherry, 201 b).Besides that, authoritative parents show respect to their children as independent and reasonable beings (Dewar, 2010). As time passes and the child gets Older, authoritative parents will encourage more responsibility and freedom with guidelines of well-outlined rules (Demand Media, 2011). As a result of this, authoritative parents expect maturity and cooperation from heir children (Dewar, 2010). According to the Amer ican Academy of Pediatrics and other children health organization, children from authoritative parents will grow up to be independent, socially successful and respectful of authority (Demand Media, 2011). Also, children raised by authoritative parents will be socially accepted and academically successful. Furthermore, they are less likely to engage in antisocial behavior like drug use. Plus they are also less likely to report depression and anxiety (Dewar, 2010). Macomb (1992), states that kids from authoritative parents will be more happy and palpable (Macomb, 1 992, as cited in Cherry, Bibb). Authoritative parents also foster self-discipline, maturity and respect for others in their children (Dewar, 2010).In an American study that is done with undergraduates about moral problems and how they are going to solve these problems students from authoritative parents will say that their parents will influence their decision and not their peers (Dewar, 2010). However authoritative parenting style may differ from one country to another and sometimes it is not all about democracy. For example, in Australia and the United States, parents will take onto account their children preferences when making family plans and the children are even encouraged to express their own opinions.But in countries like China and Russia, authoritative parents do not take their children preferences into account when making family plans. Plus Chinese parents do not encourage their children to voice out their opinions especially opinions that are different from the parents. However there is a similarity in these four countries, which is parents would explain the reasons for the rules that they set and they would talk to their children if they misbehave (Dewar, 2010). Parenting style is a type of style where parents gain in order to educate their child what is right and wrong.The best known theory of parenting style was created by Diana Banding (1967). She proposed that parenting styles fall into one Of three categories: authoritarian, indulgent, or authoritative. TO explain the authoritarian personality, it is a person who is fairly rigid in their opinions and beliefs or still hold on to some traditional values (Mcleod, 2009). In simple words, children must follow strict rules and regulations that were established by his or her parents and the child do not have choices to choose room. If the children fail to follow the rules, usually they will be punished.A person who has an authoritarian personality is likely to categorize people into groups as he or she thinks that they are more superior compared to the other groups (Mcleod, 2009). So, parents with authoritarian personality have high demands for their child but slightly less responsive to their child compared the other parenting sales. There is always a saying that authoritarian parenting style is the key to raising responsible children, but when this kind of personality is too much in the parents, how do you think the children will behave? Undoubtedly, parents with this kind Of personalit y normally bring the opposite effect as compare to their own concept. When they are educating their children, they believe that children must be nurtured and strictly trained in order to reach their own target set by their parents (Cherry, AAA). But many children have their very own opinion and they need some space to explore and develop their talent. They do not want be the puppet of their parents. Sooner or later, they will go against their parents wishes and instruction.Authoritarian parents normally do not explain why they expect heir child to follow their rules and wishes and insist their child to follow instructions and rules established by them (Cob ; Grannies, 1 996, as cited in Parenting, 2012). An Authoritarian parent usually forces his or her child to follow the directions and children do not have an opportunity to make their own choices. This makes them feel useless and unsecured in the future because they do not know the consequence of their own choices and they cannot take full responsibility towards their choices.This situation forced them to be dependent on their parents in making important or any decision t all (Dopiest, n. D. ). It weakens their intellectual growth, initiative, creativity, the ability to socialize and children might not be able to face their lifes challenges in their future (Dopiest, n. D. ). Authoritarian parents always conduct harsh punishments for their children even though it does not fit the crime that was committed by their child (Bradley, 2006). This caused the children to feel anxious and fear to obey the instructions from their parents as they will be punished if the outcome is not satisfying. So they will always try to live up to their parents expectations. Fear towards their parents is a very effective way to control their childrens behavior but it also damages the children (Biretta, n. D. ). It makes the child less confident and the child will be fearful to communicate with strangers due to poor communication skills or social skills (Biretta, n. D. ). Furthermore, the relationship between children and parents will become worse when children felt unfair and anger towards the punishment given by their parents.It will affect the emotional development and self esteem Of the children (Biretta, n. D. ). It also weakens he development of one childs sense of identity and childs ability to understand, express and reciprocate emotions. Laissez-fairer is a French term which translates roughly as let it be (Parenting Counts, 2012). It is a style in economic policy which states that a government should not interfere with economics, and just let the marketplace performs out as it will (Rutherford Nickering, n. D. ).Parents with laissez-fairer parenting styles teach their children that all emotions are accepted no matter how they behave either good or bad (Parenting Counts, 2012). These parents act this way because hey are not sure of how to handle their children, or might have been confused by the variety of parenting options and end up letting their children to raise themselves up (Freesias, 2012). Laissez-fairer parents leave their child on their own to their own decisions without orders or suggestions given to their child unless he or she specifically asked for help. Arenas with this style may spoil a childs childhood and his or her perspective towards life because parents are generally not involved in their childs life, are disengaged, undemanding, low in responsiveness, and do not set limits (Banks, 2005). In edition, these are the parents who act as if they are best friends with their child because, out of guilt, they are always working or busy all the time. Out of frustration, parents will fell like giving up or out of necessity towards their child in being the part of a parent (Vincent, 2009).A child often learns to solve his or her own problems without help or guidance which makes the child more independent compared to other children (Samuel, n. D. ). Children need to have plenty of parental time and attention, live within routines and structures, have positive role models, room to make choices and develop independence gradually, and have a strong sense of self-belief and high but realistic aspiration not by leaving them aimlessly not knowing what to do next (Brewer, 2011 They might have been a great child at school because they are taught to behave well or they will be punished.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Care and Support Statutory Guidance free essay sample

AC 1.3 Identify sources of current guidance for planning healthy and safe environments and services. Guidance comes in the form of statutory and non-statutory guidance. The internet is a very good source of current guidance, here are a few websites that would provide up to date information;†¢ Health and safety executive, www.hse.gov.uk/services/education/index.htmThe Health and safety executive was created by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Health and safety executive are an independent regulator, who act in the interest of the public to reduce work-related death, injury and ill health.†¢ Department for Education, www. gov.uk/government/collections/statutory-guidance-schoolsThe Department for Education is responsible for education, children’s services, higher and further education policy, apprenticeships, and wider skills in England, and equalities. The Department for Education provide statutory guidance to schools in a number of areas.†¢ British Standards Institution, www.bsigroup.com/en-GB/The British Standards Institution is the national standards body in the UK. We will write a custom essay sample on Care and Support Statutory Guidance or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They provide a wide range of products and services, and also supply certification to businesses who are looking to achieve recognition and demonstrate that they are committed to being the best!There are also a number of charities, that can also provide useful guidance and have campaigned over the years to improve aspects of health and safety;†¢ St Johns Ambulance, www. sja.org.ukThe St John Ambulance is the leading provider of workplace training, and are currently campaigning to get first aid onto the school curriculum through PSHE.†¢ Child accident prevention trust, www.capt.org.uk/The Child accident prevention trust was set up to help combat and lower the number of children who receive serious injuries or are killed in accidents of all kinds. The trust is probably best known for the Child safety week campaign.†¢ Royal society for the prevention of accidents, www.rospa.com/The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents aims to save lives and prevent life-changing injuries which occur as a result of accidents. The charity is probably best known for creating the Cycling Proficiency Test back in 1947.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on People Make History

In one of his quotes, Dr. William Clyde de Vane states â€Å"one of these things is the capacity for greatness in man- his capacity for being often the master of the event - and sometimes even more- the changer of the course of history itself.† I agree with this quote that people do make history and people can change history. People throughout that past of changed to course of history and people will continue to make history as time progress on forever and ever. In Charles Dickens novel Tale of Two Cities, we see how people make history. One major factor in how this takes place is the mob action describe by Dickens during the French Revolution and during The Terror of 1792-1794. These specific events in history were basically the cause and effect of people. The cause; rich aristocrats who didn’t’ care about the mass in general, as long as the rich were happy the poor could starve and die for all they cared. The effect; the poor, revolted and took things into their own hands. Mob mentality took over and history was made in the hands of the poor, better yet in the hands of men. But what does it take for a mob to become strong and have the strength to change and make history? In answer to that a mob needs a strong man. One person to defy the monarchy and take things into their own hands. When people see this, this drives them to do what others are doing. The whole thing with a mob is that if everyone is doing it then no one could get into trouble. Dickens describes this mob mentality during many scenes in his book but one scene that sticks out in my mind is where the mob storms the Bastille. Thousands of people are slaughtered at the hands of men and if it weren’t for the voices of few, no one would have had the courage to do that. By choosing to take part in these frivolous activities, people made history and throughout these revolutions continued down this path, making history. Another argument of how people ma... Free Essays on People Make History Free Essays on People Make History In one of his quotes, Dr. William Clyde de Vane states â€Å"one of these things is the capacity for greatness in man- his capacity for being often the master of the event - and sometimes even more- the changer of the course of history itself.† I agree with this quote that people do make history and people can change history. People throughout that past of changed to course of history and people will continue to make history as time progress on forever and ever. In Charles Dickens novel Tale of Two Cities, we see how people make history. One major factor in how this takes place is the mob action describe by Dickens during the French Revolution and during The Terror of 1792-1794. These specific events in history were basically the cause and effect of people. The cause; rich aristocrats who didn’t’ care about the mass in general, as long as the rich were happy the poor could starve and die for all they cared. The effect; the poor, revolted and took things into their own hands. Mob mentality took over and history was made in the hands of the poor, better yet in the hands of men. But what does it take for a mob to become strong and have the strength to change and make history? In answer to that a mob needs a strong man. One person to defy the monarchy and take things into their own hands. When people see this, this drives them to do what others are doing. The whole thing with a mob is that if everyone is doing it then no one could get into trouble. Dickens describes this mob mentality during many scenes in his book but one scene that sticks out in my mind is where the mob storms the Bastille. Thousands of people are slaughtered at the hands of men and if it weren’t for the voices of few, no one would have had the courage to do that. By choosing to take part in these frivolous activities, people made history and throughout these revolutions continued down this path, making history. Another argument of how people ma...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Telecommunications in health care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Telecommunications in health care - Essay Example ose of this paper is to talk about examples of telecommunication used I the workplace, the advantages and disadvantages of telecommunication, and new developments expected in the sector. An example of telecommunication technology used in the place of work is telephonic nurse case manager. It is used for getting timely and cost effective results by communicating and negotiating with patients, their providers and employers. The claims management process is facilitated using electronic data interface, which downloads case process documents into the patient’s claims management system. The telephonic nurse case manager is beneficial because it enables the patient to receive the appropriate treatment for his or her injuries. It is also beneficial because the patient is able to go back to work as soon as possible: the telephonic nurse case manager has a return to work plan. The use of telecommunication has a lot of advantages (Suter & Johnston, 2011). Hospitals that use telemedicine achieve reduced costs in their operations (Suter & Johnston, 2011). Suter and Johnson describe how learning is easily done through actions compared to listening. Therefore, telemedicine has the benefit of teaching patients how to take care of themselves since they will have learned through actions. Telemedicine increases the number of patients attended to by a physician (Gorman, 2011). This addresses the issue where there are very few physicians attending to the increasing number of patients (Gorman, 2011). There is a two way interactive television with a patient at one end and a physician at the other (Gillette, 2003). This is useful when a patient is not able to travel to the urban area for treatment. The use of telecommunication technology in healthcare has disadvantages when it comes to delivering the required equipment to the patients home (Gillette, 2003). In America, some states do not allow physicians from another state to perform their services to other states (Gillette, 2003).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Pampers brand analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pampers brand analysis - Assignment Example The company set out methodical figures to discover vital consumer behaviors, public outcries and optimized reward methods through a program titled â€Å"pampers Gifts to Grow Rewards. As a result, the company decided to come up with a new product that could solve the public’s problems. Some of the promises the consumers expected from the new product are discussed below. There were a number of parents who had consistently raised alarms that pampers caused diaper rashes to their newborns. P&G in their new advert promised to improve the situation preventing the chemical burns. Furthermore, the company promised to make the products more available by reducing their prices. After a long period of extensive research, P&G is in the process of availing the new pampers brand to the market (Oswald 41). Pampers, diapers, nappies and other infant care products, face severe marketing tests. The challenge appears exceptional even among other enclosed product makes that thrash about forming healthy relationships with their preferred customers (Thompson 265). Moreover, baby care products have a limited amount of time to involve pregnant and new mothers to create strong relationships with them. Consequently, the delivery of the promises that the customers expect of the product is an incredibly vital process in initiating and developing healthy relations between the corporation and their respective customers. The sales department must understand the market trends, values and other related information about customers (Koenig 69). In addition, it should be particularly keen to identify the contemporary and immediate needs and expectations of the consumers. Afterwards, the company, therefore, is ready to design an advertisement which vividly states the problems and needs identified. The act of conveying brand promises to the customers dictates the customer experience module hence initiates and improves the taste and desire for the brand. The

Monday, November 18, 2019

Evaluate the Approach of Franklin Roosevelt in Dealing With the Essay

Evaluate the Approach of Franklin Roosevelt in Dealing With the Problems of the Great Depression - Essay Example A large chunk of population was using credit to buy the necessities of life and the consumers were losing their buying power. The production levels fell and the businesses failed. The farmers also suffered as a result of this as the food prices fell (Burgan 9) and the primary industries like mining suffered the most. The USA economy also saw the â€Å"Black Tuesday† in this time when the stock market crashed. Other problems associated with the Great Depression were that a lot of banks had to close down as they had invested large part of the people. When this started happening, a panic was seen throughout the entire country as people started withdrawing their own cash from the banks, resulting in turmoil and more bank closure. Since the banks did not have that much money on hands with them, the people who did not reach the banks in time became bankrupt. In this great depression even farmers were not safe because during this time there were severe droughts as the Great Plains we re hit by dust storms. These storms destroyed everything in their path, the farmer’s crops so that they were not even able to feed themselves in addition of being in debt. The Great Depression started in the United States in the presidency of Herbert Hoover who often gave the hopes for a bright future for the USA but majority of people blamed him for the economic crisis that the USA faced and hence his reelection was out of question (Marsh 8). Therefore in 1932 Franklin Roosevelt was elected as the President of the country with the people banking him on hopes to get them out the disastrous situation. As soon as Roosevelt assumed the office he closed down all banks and ordered them to open when the conditions had stabilized. He then initiated the New Deal. He took a series of decisions and the legislations were passed which the historians see as the 3 R’s. They are recovery, relief and reform. The relief part tended to introduce short term programs that were aimed at fi nishing the immediate sufferings of the poor, recovery aimed at the long term programs to bring the economy back at its pre depression level and reform was aimed at bringing in laws and changes that will prevent future depression like these. The ‘new deal’ was broken down into many parts. The first part consisted of policies of the trickledown effect. The programs pointed towards the Keynesian set of economic policies. The first new deal aimed which was a series of acts in 1933 included the agricultural adjustment act which accepted that low prices resulted from an overproduction of crops therefore the government gave subsidies to farmers so that they produce lesser so that the crop prices can go up again. However some people said that this contradicted with the fact that so many people were going hungry in the country. It also failed to deal with the primary problem of the great depression which was the falling consumer demand due to unemployment and continuously decre asing wages. Then again there was a National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) in 1933 which said centralized planning to combat this crisis (Ruggiero 41). Industries were advised to (The New Deal or Radical Change) avoid the cut throat competition and that they would not be broken up but instead would work in collaboration with each other and be controlled by organizing the labor and the governmental activities. They will plan out the activities of the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

What is Law?

What is Law? Law, in its widest sense, means and involves a uniformity of behavior, a constancy of happenings or a cause of events, rules of action, whether in the phenomena of nature or in the ways rational human beings. In its general sense law means an order of the universe, of events, of things or actions. In simple words, Law may be referred to as a body of rules that are determined and enforced by the state and that are intended to channel behaviour and to resolve certain adverse events. Thus a legal rule might forbid littering in a park and impose a Rs 500/- fine for its violation, might impose expectation damages for violation of a contract, or might declare murder a crime and punish it with a sentence of atleast of 10 years of imprisonment.[1] The effectiveness of law enforcement depends, other things being equal, on the magnitude of sanctions and on the probability with which they are imposed for violations. The magnitude of sanctions is chosen by the state and can be as high as the wealth of violator if monetary and as a life term if imprisonment. The probability of sanctions depends on the actions of private parties who might bring the suit if the violation is civil and on effort of public enforcement agents, otherwise.[2] Keeping a practical view in mind it is necessary to look into some definitions of law. Definations of Law: According to Salmond â€Å"the law may be defined as the body of the principles recognized and applied by the State in the administration of justice†. According to Austin, â€Å"A law, in the strict sense, is a general command of the sovereign individual or the sovereign body, issued to those in subjectivity and enforced by the physical power of the State. According to Austin, â€Å"law is the aggregate of rules set by men as politically superior or sovereign to men as politically subject†. According to Duguit, law is essentially and exclusively a social fact. It is in no sense a body of rules laying down rights. Foundation of law is in the essential requirements of the community life. Thus Duguits definition gives a moral dimension to law. Holmes J. says that â€Å"the prophesy of what Courts will do, in fact, and nothing more pretentious, are what I mean by law†. While Dias says, â€Å"Law consists largely of ‘ought’ (normative) propositions prescribing how people ought to behave. The ‘oughts’ of laws are variously dictated by social, moral, economic, political and other purposes†. Thus some definitions ascribe a moral quality to law while some don’t do so expressly. Thus it is necessary to look into what is morality. What is morality? Morality may be defined as Conformance to a recognized code, doctrine, or system of rules of what is right or wrong and to behave accordingly. No system of morality is accepted as universal, and the answers to the question What is morality? differ sharply from place to place, group to group, and time to time. For some it means conscious and deliberate effort in guiding ones conduct by reason based on fairness and religious beliefs. For others it is, what the majority then and there happen to like, and immorality is what they dislike.†[3] Morality may be equated with order and has as its object human actions that are ordered to one another and to some end. The idea of value (good or end) is the crux of any moral system since the concept of value is a primary concept in the order of our practical concepts, i.e., ultimate in its genus. Hence the moral act is a combination of the subject that makes the act (rational and free act) and the object that is intended (objective goods and values that result from this activity); objectively the moral act is made up of three elements-the object, the end and the circumstance. Therefore rational human nature is the norm of morality, and morality is the transformation of a known order of values. To put it quite succinctly, morality is nothing more than conformity with the rule which regulates human life: namely, the rule of reason. Thus the essence of morality is mans approach to his goal; mans particular goal is the perfection of his spiritual and moral nature and his ultimate goal is union with God.[4] In general a moral rule has it that, when a person obeys the rule, he will tend to feel the sentiment known as virtue, and if he disobeys the rule he will feel the sentiment known as guilt. A moral rule also has the property that, when a person obeys a rule and is observed to have done so by another party, that party may bestow praise on the first party who will enjoy the praise; and if the person disobeys the rule and is observed to have done so by another party, the second party will tend to disapprove the first party, who will dislike the disapproval.[5] Enforcement of moral rules comes about through internal incentives of virtue for obeying the rules and guilt for not doing so. Enforcement is also effected by external incentives, such as if a person believes that his conduct will be observed by others, who will reward him with praise for doing good or chastise him for not doing so, he will be lead to do good.[6] The effectiveness of enforcement of moral rules depends in part on the magnitude of moral incentives, i.e. on how much guilt and virtue, and admonition and praise, matter to individuals. The degree to which they matter is shaped by, and determined hand in hand with, socialization and inculcation that governs the absorption of rules themselves. In any case moral sanctions have definite limits. The effectiveness of moral incentives also depends on their likelihood of application, in respect to which one must distinguish the internal from the external moral incentives. The internal incentives of guilt and virtue function automatically for a person knows what he does and cannot hide from it. By contrast external incentives operate only if others observe conduct and respond with praise or disapproval.[7] Thus, with a basic idea of morality being presented, it is necessary to look into the relation between law and morality. A COMPARISION OF LAW AND MORALITY Law brings with itself some reflections of public morality, but can law be separated from morality? The relation between law and morality can beb understood only after looking at the views of Hart, Fuller and Benthem. Broadly there are two schools, the positivist, which feels that law and morality can be separated and the naturalist which feels the the two are inseperable. Gustav Radbruch, a Jew by birth lived in Germany prior to Second World War. He was a firm believer in â€Å"positivist† doctrine. After seeing the atrocities perpetrated by Nazi regime on the Jews under Nazi laws he changed his belief and became a staunch supporter of Natural Law Theory and exhorted everybody to discard the doctrine of the separation of law and morals.[8] This was also a provocation for Prof Hart to initiate this discourse. The conflicts faced by the German jurists in post war Germany, is well illustrated by a category of cases which may be called â€Å"informer cases†.[9] One such case is discussed by both Prof Hart and Prof Fuller. The case is as under [10] In 1944 a German soldier came home from far front for a short visit. In his conversation with his wife he criticized the Hitler government and Nazi Party. He even expressed his dismay that the man who attempted to assassinate Hitler did not succeed. During his long absence there were other men in her life and hence she was keen to get rid of her husband. After his departure to war front the wife reported his remarks to the local leader of the Nazi party. The husband was tried by a military tribunal and sentenced to death. However he was not executed. After a short period of imprisonment, he was sent to the front again. After the collapse of the Nazi regime, a case was initiated against for illegally depriving the husband of his freedom. After the collapse of the Nazi regime, the wife was brought to trial for having procured unlawfully the imprisonment of her husband. The wife’s defense was that she was required to furnish such information to the authorities under the Nazi statutes and she did not commit any crime. The court of appeal which decided the case held that the statute under which the wife was claiming protection was contrary to the sound conscience and sense of justice of all decent human beings.[11] Hence it was reasoned that she could not be given protection under such statute. This reasoning became a precedent in many other informer cases. This reasoning was followed in many cases which have been hailed as a triumph of the doctrines of natural law and as signaling the overthrow of positivism.[12] According to Prof Hart there were only two options: a) to let the woman go free because the statute protected her; b) to make a retrospective legislation repealing the statute under which she claimed protection.[13] Because retrospective legislation is anathema in most criminal justice system the woman should have been allowed to go free if integrity of judicial principles was to be preserved. Prof Hart considers it a cardinal mistake of the Court of Appeal to introduce the concept of morality of the law, under which she was claiming protection, to say that law was no law at all. Professor Hart’s views Prof Hart believes in the theories of law as put forward by jurists like Bentham and Austin. These jurists propounded utilitarian theory of law. Bentham and Austin, constantly insisted on the need to distinguish, firmly and with the maximum of clarity, law as it is from law as it ought to be.[14] Austin formulated the doctrine: The existence of law is one thing; its merit or demerit is another.[15] A judge deciding a case should go by law as it is. Prof. Hart points out that all cases may not fall exactly within the law as it is which he calls the ‘core’. There will be cases in the penumbra of law. Hart’s view is that morals can be an influential factor in deciding cases in the penumbra. Bentham criticized Natural Law theory on the ground that â€Å"the natural tendency of such a doctrine is to impel a man, by the force of conscience, to rise up in arms against any law whatever that he happens not to like†.[16] Bentham also feared that under natural law theory courts might be legally bound to decide in accordance with what they thought just or best.[17] Such an approach can lead to all round confusion. Prof Hart presents the discussion of separation of law and morals as a problem of separating â€Å"law as it is† and â€Å"law as it ought to be†. He criticizes natural law thinkers for ignoring this difference. â€Å"Prof Hart identifies the essentials of positivism as the following:[18] (i) The contention that laws are commands of human beings, (ii) The contention that there is no necessary connection between law and morals or law as it is and ought to be (iii) A legal system is a â€Å"closed logical system† in which correct legal decisions can be deduced by logical means from predetermined legal rules without reference to social aims, policies, moral standards, Prof Hart also deals with the issue lack of precision in the words used in any human language and the role of this factor in judicial interpretation. While applying legal rules to the facts of a case it become necessary quite often to decide the meaning of the words in a statute and to decide whether the words used covers the facts to be decided. Sometime â€Å"standard instances† of the words may not be sufficient to give proper effect to the law. Prof Hart calls these as â€Å"problems of the penumbra†.[19] Problems of penumbra cannot be solved by logical deduction. The criterion which makes a decision sound in such cases is some concept of what the law ought to be.[20] This is where a moral judgment is made about what law ought to be. This is called by Prof. Hart as necessary â€Å"intersection between law and morals†.[21] Prof Fuller’s views: Fuller on the other hand believes in the Natural Theory of Law and the moral foundations of a legal order. So for him law should always conform to the idea of God’s justice. He emphasizes the view point that fidelity to law can be achieved only if law is consistent with morals at all stages that is during its making and during its application by the court whether the case is in the core or the penumbra of law. The primary concern of Prof Hart is to preserve the integrity of the concept of law.[22] For Prof Fuller fidelity to law is of utmost importance. He argues that there will be fidelity to law only if laws are consistent with moral values of the people who have to follow law. People comply with law only if they are convinced that the law is for common good. That is to say for achieving fidelity to law, Law should have moral foundations. The Balance The conflict between law and morals came to sharp focus in the predicament faced by the German Court after the collapse of the Nazi Regime. It was not possible to declare all the laws made by the Nazi regime and actions of citizens in conformity with such laws to be illegal. This would have resulted in total destabilization of the society. On the other hand some of the laws made by Nazi regime was so repulsive to human morals that there was a need for disapproving actions taken in conformity with such wicked laws. There was also a need to send a message that the new regime does not approve all the wicked laws of the Nazi regime Thus on the one hand, there was a moral duty to obey law. On the other hand, there was a moral duty to do what people thought (after the war) was right and decent. The fundamental postulate of positivism that law must be strictly severed from morality seems to deny the possibility of any bridge between the obligation to obey law and other moral obligations.[23] Thus the German Courts faced a serious dilemma in restoring both respect for law and respect for justice. Essentially Radbruch saw the dilemma as that of meeting the demands of order, on the one hand, and those of good order, on the other.[24] Order by itself is no good unless it serves some purpose for the society. So we should not get obsessed with just order. At the same time in the process of seeking good order we should lose order itself leading to anarchy. As we seek to make our order good, we can remind ourselves that justice itself is impossible without order, and that we must not lose order itself in the attempt to make it good.[25] Thus we must strive for a balance. Homosexuality: â€Å"God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve†[26] This quote summarises the attitude of morality developed along the lines of religion with regard to homosexuality. The Church has always condemned the practice of homosexuality vehemently. The Bible preaches that a man may not lie with a man in a way he lies with a woman.[27] Unlike the West, the Hindu society does not have the concept of sexual orientation that classifies males on the basis of who they desire. However, there is a strong, ancient concept of third gender, which is for individuals who have strong elements of both male and female in them. Sexuality between men (as distinct from third genders) has nevertheless thrived, mostly unspoken, informally, within mens spaces, without being seen as different in the way its seen in the West. [28] In India homosexuality was criminalized in 1861 by the Britishers through Section 377 of the India Penal Code. It criminalized carnal intercourse. Contemporary to the global movements for giving rights to the homosexuals, the Indian movement has also been running. In 2009 it got a huge success when the High Court of Delhi in Naz Foundation v. Govt. of NCT Delhi ruled the Section 377 of IPC as unconstitutional and thus decriminalized homosexuality. But in 2013 the Supreme Court of India overruled the judgement of the High Court of Delhi and recriminalized homosexuality. In the modern Indian society those opposing homosexuality argue that it is against morality and Indian culture. However if one delves into history one would easily find out that this homophobia was part of a more generalized attack on Indian sexual mores and practices undertaken by British missionaries as well as educators. It is evident not only in the anti-sodomy law introduced by the British in the Indian Penal Code of 1860 but also in the deliberate heterosexualization of entire literary canons and genres. This is one reason why modern institutions such as the police force, and educational as well as religious organizations today typically respond to same-sex unions with horror and even violence.[29] Thus, a slow and gradual change in morals lead to an inherent opposition among a large of population against homosexuality. This subsequently impacted the law as well. These acts of consensual homosexuality, which was once recognized as acceptable in the society thus became totally unacceptable. The major argument against the validity of Section 377 of the IPC in the Naz Foundation cases was that it violated right to life under Article 21, since the acts were consensual acts. Thus it was argued that since this rule violated a constitutional law which are part of the very basic laws of the land, the section should be declared void. However, on the other hand inspite of the fact that Section 377 of IPC is not contained in the chapter of offences against morality and is instead contained in the chapter on offences against body it was argued that these acts violated morality. Finally Section 377 was declared to be valid by the Supreme Court. Thus it is quite clear morality influenced the law against homosexuality. [1] Steven Shavell, Law versus Morality as Regulators of Conduct, 4 American Law Economic Review at 229. [2] Ibid. [3] Morality, Business Dictionary, http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/morality.html#ixzz3ViKuh0pt , Accessed On 18th March, 2015. [4] Jurisprudence Law and Morality, Marquette Law Review, 1953, Vol 36, 319. [5] Steven Shavell, Law versus Morality as Regulators of Conduct, 4 American Law Economic Review at 230. [6] Ibid. [7] Supra note 5 at 232. [8] H.L.A. Hart, Positivism and the Separation of Law and Morals, 71 Harvard.Law.Review, 616 (1958) [9] Lon L. Fuller, Positivism and Fidelity to Law -A Reply to Professor Hart, 71 Harvarad Law Review, 658 (1958) [10] Supra note 8 at 618-619. [11] Supra note 8 at 619. [12] Ibid [13] Ibid [14] Supra note 8 at 594. [15] Id at 596. [16] Ibid.; See also BENTHAM. , A COMMENT ON THE COMMENTAR1ES 49 (1928) [17] Id. At 599. [18] Supra note 8 at 601-602. [19] Id. At 607. [20] Supra note 8 at 608. [21] Ibid. [22] Supra note 9 at 635. [23] Supra note 9 at 656. [24] Supra note 9 at 657. [25] Ibid. [26] Victoria Clarke, What about the children? arguments against lesbian and gay parenting,Womens Studies International Forums, 555-570 (2001) [27] Tennessee Nashville, The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church 161G (The United Methodist Publishing House 2010). [28] S Asthana and R. Oostvogels , The social construction of male homosexuality in India, February 15th 2014, http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0277953600001672 [29] Ruth Vanita, Same-sex wedings, Hindu traditions and modern India, Feminist Review, No. 91, pp. 47-60, (2009) Customer Care: Hilton Green Park Hotel Customer Care: Hilton Green Park Hotel The hotel that I have chosen is Hilton London Green Park Hotel. This hotel is situated approximately 45 minutes from Heathrow airport via tube and is located within the easy reach of all the local tourist attractions and major business centres a perfect combination of business as well as for tourist visit in London.(55) It majorly lies between two streets that is the oxford street and the Edgware road which connects to majority of the streets leading to central London and other parts. This makes it convenient for the people who want to go for meetings and or visit a potential business site. The interiors of the hotel are very classy and make it easy for a business traveller to get the max of what he wants, the entire hotel is non-smoking one and has a business centre to hold meetings right at the comfort of the hotel. Majority of the guests that frequent this hotel are tourist as this hotel lies exactly at the heart of London and majority of the tourist attractions like the Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, Trafalgar square, oxford circus, etc are within the easy reach. The hotel has a full fledged concierge service which assists the guests in finding the best possible routes for guests and also gives them suggestions on which place they should visit and how can they go about. But many of the tourists dont like the fact that the entire hotel is a non-smoking hotel and also it has only 1 restaurant and 1 bar and has no other variety which the guest can see or experience, but just because of its brand and the location it still goes ahead and attracts a lot of people. (295) Customer care involves putting systems in place to maximise your customers satisfaction with your business. It should be a prime consideration for every business your sales and profitability depends on keeping your customers happy. (Business Link). What is customer care. Customer Care Policies are an integral part of any functioning business, there has to be some set rules and procedure which will act like a guide in fulfilling the goals and objectives of the hotel and more importantly lead to a customer satisfaction which is the top priority of any organisation. Depending on the type of organisation the types of services that may be offered might differ which includes but is not limited to telephone, help desks, after sales, service recovery, or may be a simple face to face conversation but all that matters is that the guests problems are given a ear and that they feel important and worth the stay. Today the market is very competent and the guests have a variety of choice to make so it is very important that companies have to go ahead and capture a major stake in the market and that is possible only if you retain the guest. Retention is only possible when the guest is satisfied and to be more elaborate the company today has to go beyond expectations or rather exceed expectations and that is possible only with strong customer care policies and it needs to be strictly adhered to and practiced devotionally. Abraham Lincoln once said I never had a policy; I just tried to do my very best each and every day so sometimes its not only about the policy but its on how you go beyond the policy to help the guests and thats what makes a lasting impression on the guests minds and he will certainly be a repeat guest for you.(400) Three customer care policies in Hilton London Green Park Hotel Quick and fast: As mentioned earlier this hotel usually caters to the needs of the business travellers and clients and hence they lay more emphasis on the needs of these guests by providing them quick check-ins and taking pre-authorisations (if required). Some of the basic things that they pay attention to are:- Giving them quite rooms away from the city roads, elevators and areas from where noise can be expected as these guests usually just come in for a night take rest and then leave for another destination. Providing them with the facilities of early breakfast in their rooms and giving them express check out facilities. Business travellers and guests are given more attention in terms of any grievances that they may have and hence service recovery procedures are in place which includes giving them free wine bottle, upgrades, or may even include a free night depending on the situation. Feel like home: It is said a hotel is a home away from home and hence this hotel emphasises on all the guest coming to this hotel for leisure and recreation purposes and hence the guest is preferably given a room which faces towards the city or has a park view but in either case the guest is asked for the preference of his/her room. The beds are designed in such a way that a family of three (including a kid) can easily manage to sleep on the bed. Local sightseeing and local runs are arranged by the concierge as per request. The facility to provide an extra bed/cot at a nominal rate is also available. What makes it more competitive and interesting is that all the children aged 18yrs and below get to stay free if they are accompanied by their parents or grandparents and children aged 10 years and below get their meals and drinks free plus there is a garden where the kids can spend their time. Feel like a king: This is one policy that Hilton hotel always emphasises on, knowing what the guest wants or expects and that too at the right time makes you a winner in the market segment. The hotel maintains a proper guest profile which includes some personal information about their choices and also about their birthdates etc. So if the guest is staying with them on their birthdays or their anniversary then they send them greeting cards, some gift hampers or a simple wine bottle to say we are happy for you. The gifts might not be that expensive in terms of the investment done by the guests but yes this is enough to wow a guest and will make him feel a part of the family. Also the long stayers and frequent visitors are contacted on regular basis and they are informed of any special promotions or offers that the hotel might be running at the moment. Effectiveness of customer care policies in the hotel Whenever a policy is in place it is of utmost importance that it needs to be evaluated for its effectiveness and whether that particular policy is really working for the organisation or not. Now this could be done in variety of ways which included taking customer feedback, polls, opinion surveys, etc these things makes the organisation realise where exactly they stand and what best could be done to prevent that. Most of the hotels usually focus on retaining the guests but Sarah Cook in her book Customer Care Excellence mentions that it is equally important to record the customer retention rate and also to analyse it on frequent basis. Hilton establishes a system called Hilton honours in which it can find out responses from its guests and what they are expecting in terms of hospitality organisation and also another program called Satisfaction and Loyalty Tracking (SALT) where they keep a constant track on how many guests returned back home satisfied and how many of them will be coming back to the hotel. This helps in identifying where they currently stand and how it is going to affect their business in the long run. Steel Industry in China | Analysis Steel Industry in China | Analysis Introduction Steel industry concerns to be a important basic industry influences a country’s national economic and the overall national strength. The development of steel industry has directly related to defense industry, construction industry, machinery industry, shipbuilding industry, car industry, household electrical appliance industry, and other industries. In recent years, Chinas steel industry structure has been optimized, the process on elimination of backward production capacity smoothly; industrial concentration has continuously improved; and the industrial layout has been optimized. At present, Chinas steel industry dominated the formation of large enterprises, and SMEs coexist production organization pattern. The steel industry layout gradually close the strategic layout of the changes in the market to international and domestic resources. Chinas steel industry has rapid development of foreign trade; the exports of steel product structure was further optimized; export countries and regions are continue to expand. It achieved changing from a net importer to a net exporter. Even though the steel industry looks been recovered, and the government put a lot of efforts inside, it still have many problems to solve. I will do some background research of steel industry in china and find out the problem china steel industry will face especially the problem they faced during the recovery after 2008 economic crisis. In additional I will also try to find out the reason which lead to those problems and how China steel companies faced this situation and what is their solutions. In this project, firstly I will analyze, evaluate, and summarize scholarly materials link to China industry. However, this proposal will just analysis three parts: pollution problem, the contradiction between industry demand and supply, and the forecast of the industry’s develop. Then it will demonstrate the main objective of this whole project. After that I will examine the methodology and methods I will use in future project, such as what kind of data I will use and how the data will be analysis. Later, I will draw some limitations and problems may faced during the research. Finally the discussion and conclusion will show the result I have got currently. Literature review With the shift of international industry and the rapid development of China economic, as Sheng and Song (2012) said, â€Å"rapid expansion of China’s steel industry has been remarkable in terms of both the speed and scale of its development.† Liang, Zhang, Fujita, Ohnishi, Li, Fujii, and Dong (2013) mentioned that the total production of crude steel in China had grown from 95.36 million tons to 567.84 million tons from 1995 to 2009, and become the world’s largest producer. In 2012, China has produced 716.54 millions of crude steel, grew by 3.1 percent on last years same period; production of steel (including repeated material) 951.86 million tons, grew by 7.7 percent on last years same period. From January to November of 2013, china had produced 712.86 million of crude steel, grew by 7.8 percent on last years same period. production of steel 978.78 million tons, grew by 11.5 percent on last years same period. However, these kind of development has a price to pay. As Pauliuk, Milford, MuÃÅ'ˆller, and Allwood(2013) said, 25 per cent of ca. industrial and 9 per cent of anthropogenic energy and process related greenhouse gas emission are accounted for steel production. In order to mitigate the climate change, the future production growth of steel may decline. Ma, Evans, Fuller and Stewart (2002) pointed out that steel industry is energy intensive. The expansion of China has resulted a large increase in energy input, especially from the coal. This leads to several environmental problems. Liang, Zhang, Fujita, Ohnishi, Li, Fujii, and Dong(2013) also pointed out that the booming energy consumption and environmental pollution emissions are serious problems for steel industry. The co2 emission (1.17 billion tons) of china steel industry weighted 16.29 per cent of Chinese total co2 emission in 2009. Its nearly equal to Japanese co2 emission(1.2 billion tons); and it also share half of the worl d steel industry’s co2 emission. The danger of those environment has been recognized by Chinese government, in order to solve these problems, they have came out many policies, with particular emphasis on the energy- intensive heavy industries. After that, the energy consumption per unit of output of steel industry has declined. Mohanty’s(1997) research has showed that the government’s energy conservation program is the most important reason of this decline. Marketline(2013) examined that the steel market consists of the production of crude steel in the stated country or region. Influenced by 2008 world economic crisis, China steel industry has also suffered a depression. After that, it recovered from a contraction in value in 2009, the Chinese steel market posted a double digit growth in the 2010-11 period. The compound annual growth rate(CARC) of the market was 9.3% in the period 2008–12. However, the market declined again in 2012 because of the price falling. It shrank by 2.9% in 2012 and reached a value of $530,838.2 million. This total revenues representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.3% between 2008 and 2012. During this period, the Japanese market declined with a compound annual rate of change of -2.6%, and the Indian market increased with CAGR of 7.5% Even though the production have recovered to a double digit growth during this period, the market supply is not recovery as fast as the production. This caused significant increase of the steel storage, the contradiction between industry demand and supply get worse. This situation leads to falling of the steel price. However, the current situation of steel industry is not very optimistic. The forecast of 2012-2017 is still hopefully. The markets volume is expected to rise to 988.0 million units by the end of 2017, representing a CAGR of 6.6% for the 2012-2017 period. The performance of the market is forecast to decelerate, with an anticipated CAGR of 8.7% for the five-year period 2012 2017, which is expected to drive the market to a value of $806.8bn by the end of 2017. Comparatively, the Japanese and Indian markets will grow with CAGRs of 2.6% and 7.5% respectively, over the same period, to reach respective values of $90.1bn and $82.4bn in 2017. ( Marketline, 2013) Research Questions and Objectives The research aims to address the following research questions: What is the circumstance of the development of china steel industry from 1990s’? What is the problems china steel industry faced? How can china steel industry fully recovery from the economic crisis? What is a good way for Chinese company related to steel to survive under current situation. This research aim to compare the situation before and after 2008 global economic crisis. In additional, it aim to find out the problems steel industry faced after the crisis and the reason cause these problems, and then the solution for these problems Methodology 3.1  Data collection Two types of research are used in this article. These are primary research and secondary research respectively. The primary resource is from questionnaire and interview. In this research, I will try to collected the primary data through the use of a self-administered questionnaire . The questionnaires will be distributed to the sampled respondents through a combination of the Internet and face to face interview as appropriate. Distribution through the Internet is expected to be more secured and cost effective. The secondary resource is search for information from other people’s opinion, such as library website, reading academic books and journal articles. The above section which is the literature review is the secondary resource. There are three types of data, which are quantitative data, qualitative data and mixed data. These are the tools of measure in aspect of questionnaire, the quantitative will be used in the closed questions of questionnaire, and it could better to collect the information whether people prefer to choose some aspects, and it also could illustrate the trend of this problem. The qualitative could match the opened questions of questionnaire, it because could determine the nature of people, it could better to research the suggestions or reasons, detailed data is collected through open questions that provide direct choice. This is different the quantitative, quantitative is to through the limited and objective method to compare and predictions, and find the trend of problems. Furthermore, the mixed data is both quantitative and qualitative. Data analysis Firstly, regarding of the primary research, results of questionnaire was collected, and graphs were used, such as pie charts, bar charts and tables. Statistical data which is from questionnaire shows consequence of what is found. Secondly, regarding of the secondary research, notes of relevant sections was taken and summarized, critical, analysis. Finally, comparing primary and secondary resource, they are similar or not. Analyzing reasons why the consequence is similar or not. Limitations and problems of the research Firstly, during this research, the primary data collection may face a big problem. This is because the topic of this project is about steel industry analysis. I think it is hard to design a questionnaire which most of people will have their answer easily. This topic is not a topic that most of people will pay attention and familiar with. Therefore, when I collect the primary data, may face some people are not familiar with, this will cause the decrease of data’s reality. Secondly, the territory limitation also concern to a problem. This research is focus on steel industry in china, whereby the project will finish in UK. When I collect primary data, may face the problem of local people may not familiar with China’s economic situation. At the same time, big amount of secondary data are in Chinese which I cannot use in this project. However, I can benefit from reading Chinese data, it help me to understand more and consider more about this topic. Finally, the language barrier concerns to a big problem I faced during doing this project. English is not my mother tongue make me face more difficulties during reading secondary data. Sometimes I will misunderstanding the sentences, also it include many academic vocabulary which I cannot understand as well. Conclusion In conclude, as the research I currently get, one of problem the china steel industry faced is the environment pollution. Accompany with government control, pollution do has reduced. However, government control is a passive way for steel industry to change. At the same time, steel industry should recognize this problem by itself, and try to improve the way of production in order to reduce the pollution. Second problem has been analyzed in the proposal is the contradiction between industry demand and supply. This is a big problem china steel industry faced. The supply significantly exceeds demand. It leads to the price of steel continuous falling down and may become a vicious. However, according to government’s macro-control and the change of global market, we should hold a positive attitude towards to the future. References: 1. 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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Matrix Reloaded Movie Review :: essays research papers

The Matrix: Reloaded Starring: Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Jada Pinkett-Smith, Hugo Weaving, Clayton Watson, Nona Gaye, Monica Bellucci, Cornel West Director(s): Larry Wachowski, Andy Wachowski Screenwriter(s): Larry Wachowski, Andy Wachowski Filming Location(s): Australia; Chicago; San Francisco Studio: Warner Bros. Alternate Title(s): The Matrix 2 Rating: R - for sci-fi violence and some sexuality Genre: Science Fiction, Action, Sequel -------------------------------- Special Effects: The Matrix raised the bar, in terms of special effects, and kept it there for an awful long time before being topped of. Then comes The Matrix Reloaded which has once again proved the Wachowskis are undoubtable the most imaginative and innovative directors this side of Zion. The two stand out scenes come with neo kicking 100+ agents cyber punk asses and a 14 minute car chase that cost $40, 000, 000 to produce and upon seeing the movie its not hard to see why, with cars being blown up left, right and centre, death defying motorcycle stunts and a car being cut in half by an ancient samurai sword among other things. This is by far the most elaborate movie ever made and with a crew including Yuen Wo Ping, arguably the best fight choreographer in the world and the visual effects mastermind John Gaeta everyone saw it coming, but it still managed to blow away all pre-conceptions and expectations. Cinematography: Let this be a lesson to you about perseverance. One of the Wachowski's earlier movies was entitled Bound and had its original cinematographer quit because of the â€Å"very restrictive† budget. They went to a man named Bill Pope next who was more than willing to work within the budget. A few years later the when the Matrix was green-lit he became the obvious choice, not only for the original, but also for both sequels, sling-shoting him into the cinematographers hall of fame. From a continuos pan, circling one of Neo’s battles, to a tracking shot that looks like it passes through traffic, the cinematography in The Matrix Reloaded is second to none. Costumes and Make Up: Kym Barett, costume designer and regular collaborator with Baz Luhrman, she previously worked on Romeo + Juliet and Moulin Rouge. Suggested to the Wachowski's by Bill Pope, she created the Gucci does Bondage look that The Matrix trilogy is famous for. Every punch, block, kick and swirl is dramatised and accentuated by the blank, fearless look on their face and the uniform like consistency of long flowing leather jackets and pitch black shades.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Analysis “The Ormolu Clock” by Muriel Spark Essay

â€Å"The Ormolu Clock† is a short story written by Muriel Spark, who is considered to be one of the 50 greatest British writers since 1945. Dame Muriel is a poet, writer of fiction and literary criticism, and biographer – went on to win most of the literary awards going, was never out of print, and was at the top of her profession, internationally, for more than half a century. The story under discussion begins with the description of two hotels standing side by side and separated by a narrow path – the Hotel Stroh and the Guesthouse Lublonitsch. The first one is a disappointment for its visitors, what can’t be said about the second. The story goes on to tell that the author had a chance to get acquainted with the owner of the Guesthouse – Frau Lublonitsch, who was a very hardworking woman. Once he saw her bedroom he was moved by the sight. The room was richly established and there was a large ornamental clock known as ormolu. Under consideration belongs to the belles-lettres functional style, the main aim of which is to give the readers aesthetic pleasure and to make them think. It is an entrusted narrative and is told in the first person from the viewpoint of a visitor of Frau Lublonitsch’s house. The use of various types of narrative allows the author to create plausible characters. The dialogues are used in the personage†™s speech as well. In this short story women dominate men. The proof of it is that the indefinite article is used before the name of Herr Lublonitsch ( There was a Herr Lublonitsch, but he was of no account). Also the 1st paragraph ends with sentence â€Å"But she was undoubtedly the boss.† which marks Mrs. Lublonitsch’s superior position in the relationship of the couple. The story under consideration abounds in different stylistic devices. The most recurrent are metaphors which add up to the emphatic description of the protagonist’s emotions and thoughts (mouth turn down, smell its quality, strip of land, ome of sons emerged from) also epithets (humorous face, opulently dull, nervous stormy night). The detachment is used here as well (She scoured the huge pans herself; wielding her podgy arm round and round.) It specifies the manner of doing the action. In the text there are also various types of repetition: catch repetition (The maids called her Frau Chef. Frau Chef prepares special food†¦),morphemic repetition (drinking, greeting the guests, receiving as much attention†¦), lexical repetition (as she emereged from the kitchen wiping her hands on her brown apron, with her grey hair drawn back tight, her sleeves rolled up, her dingy dress†¦;She owns all the strip of land†¦ She’s got three farms.. She may even expand across the river†¦) This SD underlines Mrs. Lublonitsch’s domination, power and strength, it shows that everything belonged to her only. The Inversion used here gives emphasis to the situation.(Appended to the guesthouse was a butcher’s shop; In the garden grew one useless thing, within it was a bedroom†¦). The author resorts to the use of descriptions of Mrs. Lublonitsch and her room. He opposes her appearance of a peasant to the imperial magnificence of her bedroom. (she emereged from the kitchen wiping her hands on her brown apron, with her grey hair drawn back tight, her sleeves rolled up, her dingy dress†¦) And with the use of similie he compares her to a peasant ( She went and fetched a cloth and mopped up the mess herself, like any peasant†¦). For the description of her room the author uses various detachments that serve as descriptive details ( I saw a canopied bed, built high, splendidly covered with scarlet quilt). Also the colors make a clear contrast of Mrs. Lublonitsch’s personality: grey, black, brown describe her as a working woman, therefore gold, red, scarlet in the description of her room symbolize that she lives like a queen). The most recurrent words: possession, she, the boss, herself acquire the status of the key words. â€Å"The ormolu clock† is a symbol of the time that was ticking for Mr Stroh, reminding him who the boss is. Though it is no longer in his possession it still has an influence on him. ). In the course of the whole story the clock dominates Mr Stroh’s life and his acting. Finally, he â€Å"gave up his gazing; he went indoors, sullen and bent†. That means that he is defeated by the clock, its authority has dominated in the scene. The message is that Mrs. Lublonitsch’s appearance was contrasting with her real possessions, which she wanted to expand.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Biography of Louis Farrakhan, Leader of Nation of Islam

Biography of Louis Farrakhan, Leader of Nation of Islam Minister  Louis Farrakhan (born May 11, 1933) is one of the most controversial public figures in the United States. While scandal has brought down a number of leaders, Farrakhan has managed to remain an influential force in American politics, race relations, and religion. With this biography, learn more about the life of the Nation of Islam leader and how he’s remained relevant in an increasingly divided America. Fast Facts: Louis Farrakhan Known For: Civil rights activist, minister, leader of the Nation of Islam (1977–present)Born: May 11, 1933, BronxParents: Sarah Mae Manning (Mae) and Percival ClarkeEducation: Winston-Salem State University, The English High SchoolPublished Works: A Torchlight for America,  Spouse(s): KhadijahChildren: 9 Early Years Like so many notable Americans, Louis Farrakhan grew up in an immigrant family. He was born on May 11, 1933, in the Bronx, New York.  Both of his parents immigrated to the United States from the Caribbean. His mother, Sarah Mae Manning, came from the island of St. Kitts, and his father, Percival Clark, came from Jamaica. In 1996, Farrakhan said his father, who reportedly had Portuguese heritage, may have been Jewish. The scholar and historian Henry Louis Gates called Farrakhan’s claim credible since Iberians in Jamaica tend to have Sephardic Jewish ancestry. Because the Jewish community has often accused Farrakhan of being an anti-Semite, his claims about his father’s ancestry are remarkable, if true. Farrakhan’s birth name, Louis Eugene Walcott, reveals the discord in his parents’ relationship. Farrakhan said his father’s philandering had driven his mother into the arms of a man named Louis Wolcott, with whom she had a child and for whom she converted to Islam. She planned to start a new life with Wolcott, but briefly reconciled with Clark, resulting in an unplanned pregnancy. Manning repeatedly tried to abort the pregnancy, according to Farrakhan, but eventually gave up on termination. When the child arrived, with light skin and curly, auburn hair, Wolcott knew the baby wasn’t his and left Manning. That didn’t stop her from naming the child â€Å"Louis† after him. But Farrakhan’s real father didn’t play an active role in his life either, he said. His mother remained a stable influence. A music lover, she exposed him to the violin. He didn’t immediately take interest in the instrument. â€Å"I [eventually] fell in love with the instrument,† he recalled, â€Å"and I was driving her crazy because now I would go in the bathroom to practice because it had a sound like you’re in a studio and so people couldn’t get in the bathroom because Louis was in the bathroom practicing.† He said that by age 12, he played well enough to perform  with the Boston civic symphony, the Boston College orchestra, and its glee club. In addition to playing the violin, Farrakhan sang well. In 1954, using the name â€Å"The Charmer,† he even recorded the hit single â€Å"Back to Back, Belly to Belly,† a cover of  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Jumbie Jamboree.† A year before the recording, Farrakhan married his wife, Khadijah.  He went on to have nine children. Nation of Islam The musically inclined Farrakhan managed to use his talents  in the service of Nation of Islam. While performing, he attended a meeting of the group, which Elijah Muhammad started in 1930 in Detroit. As a leader, Muhammad sought a separate state for African Americans and endorsed racial segregation. Prominent NOI leader Malcolm X persuaded Farrakhan to join the group. So, he did, just a year after recording his hit single. Initially, Farrakhan was known as Louis X, and he wrote the song â€Å"A White Man’s Heaven Is a Black Man’s Hell† for the Nation. Eventually, Muhammad gave Farrakhan the surname he’s world famous for today. Farrakhan rapidly rose through the ranks of the group. He assisted Malcolm X at the group’s Boston mosque and assumed his superior’s role when Malcolm left Boston to preach in Harlem. Malcolm X In 1964, ongoing tensions with Muhammad led Malcolm X to leave the Nation. After his departure, Farrakhan essentially took his place, deepening his relationship with Muhammad. In contrast, Farrakhan and Malcolm X’s relationship grew strained when the latter criticized the group and its leader. Specifically, Malcolm X told the world that Mohammad had fathered children with many of his teenage secretaries. Malcolm X considered him a hypocrite since NOI preached against extramarital sex.  But Farrakhan considered Malcolm X a traitor for divulging this news to the public. Two months before Malcolm’s assassination in Harlem’s Audubon Ballroom on Feb. 21, 1965, Farrakhan said of him, â€Å"such a man is worthy of death.† When police arrested three NOI members for assassinating 39-year-old Malcolm X, many wondered if Farrakhan played a role in the murder. Farrakhan admitted that his harsh words about Malcolm X likely  Ã¢â‚¬Å"helped create the atmosphere† for the killing. â€Å"I may have been complicit in words that I spoke leading up to February 21, [1965]† Farrakhan told Malcolm X’s daughter Atallah Shabazz and  Ã¢â‚¬Å"60 Minutes† correspondent Mike Wallace in 2000. â€Å"I acknowledge that and regret that any word that I have said caused the loss of life of a human being.† A six-year-old Shabazz saw the shooting, along with her siblings and mother. She thanked Farrakhan for taking some responsibility but said she did not forgive him. â€Å"He’s never admitted this before publicly,†Ã‚  she said.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Until now, he’s never caressed my father’s children. I thank him for acknowledging his culpability and I wish him peace.† Malcolm X’s widow, the late Betty Shabazz, had accused Farrakhan of having a hand in the assassination. She seemingly made amends with him in 1994, when her daughter Qubilah faced charges, later dropped, for an alleged plot to kill him. NOI Splinter Group Eleven years after Malcolm X’s killing, Elijah Muhammad died. It was 1975, and the group’s future appeared uncertain. Muhammad had left his son Warith Deen Mohammad in charge. The younger Muhammad wanted to turn NOI into a more conventionally Muslim group called American Muslim Mission. (Malcolm X had also embraced traditional Islam after leaving the NOI. ) Warith  Deen Mohammad  also rejected his father’s separatist teachings. But Farrakhan disagreed with this vision and left the group to start a version of NOI aligned with Elijah Muhammad’s philosophy. He also started The Final Call newspaper to publicize his group’s beliefs.   Farrakhan got involved with politics as well. Previously, NOI told members to refrain from political involvement, but Farrakhan decided to endorse the Rev. Jesse Jackson’s 1984 bid for president. Both the NOI and Jackson’s civil rights group, Operation PUSH, were based on Chicago’s South Side. Fruit of Islam, part  of NOI,  even guarded Jackson during his campaign. Jesse Jackson â€Å"I believe that Rev. Jackson’s candidacy has lifted the seal forever from the thinking of black people, particularly black youth,† Farrakhan said. â€Å"Never again will our youth think that all they can be is singers and dancers, musicians and football players and sportsmen. But through Reverend Jackson, we see that we can be theoreticians, scientists, and whatnot. For that one thing he did alone, he would have my vote. Jackson, however, didn’t win his presidential bid in 1984 or in 1988. He  derailed his  first campaign when he referred to Jews as â€Å"Hymies† and New York City as â€Å"Hymietown,† both anti-Semitic terms, during an interview with a black Washington Post reporter. A wave of protests ensued. Initially, Jackson denied the remarks. Then, he changed his tune and accused Jews of trying to sink his campaign. He later admitted making the comments and asked the Jewish community to forgive him. But he refused to part ways with Farrakhan. Farrakhan tried to defend his friend by going on the radio and threatening both the Post reporter, Milton Coleman, and Jews about their treatment of Jackson. â€Å"If you harm this brother [Jackson], it will be the last one you harm,† he said. Farrakhan reportedly called Coleman a traitor and told the African American community to shun him. The NOI leader also faced accusations of threatening Coleman’s life. â€Å"One day soon we will punish you with death,† Farrakhan remarked. Afterward, he denied threatening Coleman. Million Man March Although Farrakhan has long faced accusations of anti-Semitism and has criticized black civic groups such as the NAACP, he’s managed to stay relevant in a changing America. On Oct. 16, 1995, for example, he organized the historic Million Man March on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Civil rights leaders, including Rosa Parks, Jackson, and Shabazz, gathered at the event designed for young African American men to ponder the pressing issues affecting the black community. According to some estimates, about a half-million people turned out for the march. Other estimates report a crowd as large as two million. In any case, there’s no doubt that hundreds of thousands of individuals gathered for the occasion, an impressive achievement for any organizer. The Nation of Islam’s website points out that the march challenged stereotypes of African American men. â€Å"The world did not see thieves, criminals, and savages as usually portrayed through mainstream music, movies and other forms of media; on that day, the world saw a vastly different picture of the Black man in America. The world saw Black men demonstrating the willingness to shoulder the responsibility of improving themselves and the community. There was neither one fight nor one arrest that day. There was no smoking or drinking. The Washington Mall, where the March was held, was left as clean as it was found.† Farrakhan later organized 2000’s Million Family March. And 20 years after the Million Man March, he commemorated the landmark event. Later Years Farrakhan earned praise for the Million Man March but just a year later sparked controversy again. In 1996, he visited  Libya. Then Libyan ruler, the late Muammar al-Qaddafi, made a donation  to the Nation of Islam, but the federal government didn’t let Farrakhan accept the gift. Despite such incidents and a long list of inflammatory remarks, Farrakhan has won the support of  people in and outside of the black community. They applaud  NOI  for fighting against social injustice, advocating for education and against gang violence, among other issues. The Rev. Michael L. Pfleger, a white Roman Catholic priest with a parish on Chicagos South Side is an example. He called Farrakhan his closest adviser.   â€Å"I’ve lost friends and I’ve lost support- I’ve been disinvited from places- because of my relationship with Farrakhan,† the priest told the New Yorker in 2016. But he added, I’d take a bullet for  [him and others] any day of the week.†Ã‚  Ã‚   Meanwhile, Farrakhan  continues to generate publicity for his cutting comments. Shortly after Donald Trumps inauguration,  he called the United States  the most rotten nation on Earth. On May 2, 2019, Farrakhan was banned from Facebook and Instagram for violations of Facebook’s policies against hate speech. Sources Blow, Charles M. Million Man March, 20 Years On. New York Times, Oct. 11, 2015Bromwich, Jonah Engel. Why Louis Farrakhan Is Back in the News. New York Times, March 9, 2018.  Farrakhan, Louis, and Henry Louis Gates. Farrakhan Speaks. Transition.70 (1996): 140–67. Print.Gardell, Mattias. In the Name of Elijah Muhammad: Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 1996.Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Nation of Islam.  Louis Farrakhan banned from Facebook over policies on violence, hate. Chicago Sun Times May 2, 2019.  McPhail, Mark Lawrence. Passionate Intensity: Louis Farrakhan and the Fallacies of Racial Reasoning. Quarterly Journal of Speech 84.4 (1998): 416–29. Print.